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Altera CycloneII EP2C8Q208C8N - BAIXUN dev. kit

Honored Contributor II



I've just bought an Altera BAIXUN dev. kit. It is an Altera CycloneII EP2C8Q208C8N. 

The board had some default code displays a "BAIXUN welcome" on LCD and digits on 7-seg. 

I'll be really glad if some one can assist me to solve my problems: 


1. Made a simplest code (AND gate), tried to program it via JTag - Quartus (Web ed.) programmer showed successful result, but actually the default program still ran. Why it didn't work, any idea? 


2. As i passed to AS (Active serial) programming using another plug on board. 

i succeed to delete the existing program an program mine (to EPSC4). 

The logic works as expected (LED lights), but it looks like resetting each time - blinking. 

Why does it happen?
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1 Reply

Hi! I dug out an old project with cyclone 2. It is requested to write some code on same board but I don't have any information. Do you have a CD with sample codes for this board?

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