Programmable Devices
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Compile program without device in Quartus II 13.0 sp1 - Is it possible ??

Honored Contributor II

Hi everyone, 

I'm a student in a small local university, we work on prototype board DE2. And now is coming my qestion, can i alone in my home without this device compile a program in Quartus II ? Program is written in VHDL language ?? If yes, please describe how ??
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Hi, YES of course.  

Check that the FPGA in DE2 board is supported by Quartus version 13.0sp1 : because Cyclone II is not supported since 13.xx 


In Quartus, make new project  

and configure your project : Project > device > choose the FPGA implemented in DE2 board (EP2C20AF256I8N for example, but look at DE2 board) 


Bring your VHDL file. Set it as "top level" (right clic...) But you have to be sure it is the top level : should have (but not necesary) a clock signal, inputs, outputs, tri-stated. 


Do "Quartus analysys and synthessis" 


if OK, Go to "pin planner", and make pin assignments (may be fastidious) 



Do "compile ALL", and you get .pof and .sof files that you can "download" respectively to EPCS and FPGA of the board. 


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