Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20703 Discussions

Cyclone V: connecting multiple slaves via Avalon MM interface to HPS

Honored Contributor II

Hello all, 

I am using the DE0-Nano-SoC kit, where the Cyclone V FPGA is located and Quartus Prime Version 17.1.0 software. I have a problem with the PLL reprogrammable configuration using the Avalon MM interface. I'm guessing that the problem is with the Avalon MM interface configuration. Can I connect several slaves directly to 'h2f_lw_axi_master' port of 'Cyclone V Hard Processor System' or should I use some intermediate IPcore for this? Below I attach screenshots from my platform designer's system, configuration of PLL block, content of registers, where should be PLL configuration, but I have strange things and my C-driver. I will be very grateful for any suggestions.  


P.S. I checked the signals and my program does not stand in the reset or interrupt, and the 'locked' signal from the Altera PLL block is still in a high state. My input clock is 50MHz. 


My C-driver for configuration of PLL: 


#include <stdio.h># include <unistd.h># include <fcntl.h># include <sys/mman.h># include <sys/stat.h># include "hwlib.h"# include "soc_cv_av/socal/socal.h"# include "soc_cv_av/socal/hps.h"# include "soc_cv_av/socal/alt_gpio.h"# include "hps_0.h" /* Registers for PLL Reconfig*/ # define MODE 0x00# define STATUS 0x01# define START 0x02# define N_COUNTER 0x03# define M_COUNTER 0x04# define C_COUNTER 0x05# define DPS_COUNTER 0x06# define FRAC_COUNTER 0x07# define BS_COUNTER 0x08# define CPS_COUNTER 0x09# define C0_COUNTER 0x0A# define C1_COUNTER 0x0B # define MAPPED_SIZE (RECONFIG_SLOW_CLK_SPAN+IPCORE_GPIO_0_SPAN) static void write_reg(unsigned int base, unsigned int offset, unsigned int val){ volatile unsigned int* reg; reg = (unsigned int*)(base + offset); *reg = val; } static unsigned int read_reg(unsigned int base, unsigned int offset){ volatile unsigned int* reg; reg = (unsigned int*)(base + offset); return *reg; } int main() { printf("\nDate: %s ; Time: %s\n\n", __DATE__, __TIME__); void *virtual_base; int fd, i; int counter = 0xFFFF0000; unsigned int reg; if( ( fd = open( "/dev/mem", ( O_RDWR | O_SYNC ) ) ) == -1 ) { printf( "ERROR: could not open \"/dev/mem\"...\n" ); return( 1 ); } virtual_base = mmap(NULL, MAPPED_SIZE, ( PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE ), MAP_SHARED, fd, 0x0); if(virtual_base == MAP_FAILED) { printf( "ERROR: mmap() failed!\n" ); close( fd ); return( 1 ); } unsigned int base_addr_gpio = (unsigned int) (virtual_base + IPCORE_GPIO_0_BASE); unsigned int base_addr_clk = (unsigned int) (virtual_base + RECONFIG_SLOW_CLK_BASE); printf("Simulation of GPIO:\n\n"); //simulate GPIO for(i = 0; i < 64; i++ ){ write_reg(base_addr_gpio, 0x0, counter); reg = read_reg(base_addr_gpio, 0x0); printf("Memory content: 0x%x\t Number loop: %d\n", reg, i); counter=counter+1; } printf("\nConfiguration of PLL:\n\n"); //configuration PLL to 1 MHz // f_ref = (f_in/n) = 50MHz / 1 = 50 MHz => (f_ref range: 50-800 MHz!) // f_out = ((f_ref * M)/C) // 1MHz = ( 50 MHz *1)/50 ) write_reg(base_addr_clk, MODE, 0b1); // polling mode reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, MODE); printf("MODE of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); write_reg(base_addr_clk, M_COUNTER, 0x0001); // M = 1 reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, M_COUNTER); printf("M_COUNTER of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); write_reg(base_addr_clk, FRAC_COUNTER, 0x000000); write_reg(base_addr_clk, N_COUNTER, 0x0001); // N = 1 //write_reg(base_addr_clk, N_COUNTER, 0x10000); // N -> bypass enable (f_ref = f_in) reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, N_COUNTER); printf("N_COUNTER of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); write_reg(base_addr_clk, C_COUNTER, 0x00A06); // C = 50 (0x19+0x19) -> set C0 reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, C_COUNTER); printf("C_COUNTER of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); write_reg(base_addr_clk, C_COUNTER, 0x4060E); // C = 50 (0x19+0x19) -> set C1 reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, C_COUNTER); printf("C_COUNTER of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); write_reg(base_addr_clk, BS_COUNTER, 0x6); // medium bandwidth reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, BS_COUNTER); printf("BS_COUNTER of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); write_reg(base_addr_clk, CPS_COUNTER, 0x2); reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, CPS_COUNTER); printf("CPS_COUNTER of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); write_reg(base_addr_clk, START, 0b1); sleep(1); reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, M_COUNTER); printf("\nM_COUNTER of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, N_COUNTER); printf("N_COUNTER of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, C_COUNTER); printf("C_COUNTER of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, C0_COUNTER); printf("C0_COUNTER of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, C1_COUNTER); printf("C1_COUNTER of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); reg = read_reg(base_addr_clk, STATUS); printf("Status of PLL: 0x%x\n", reg); if(reg != 0x01) printf("Unfortunately PLL is not correctly configured\n\n"); else printf("Successful: PLL is correctly configured\n\n"); if(munmap(virtual_base, MAPPED_SIZE) != 0){ printf( "ERROR: munmap() failed...\n" ); close( fd ); return( 1 ); } close( fd ); return( 0 ); } 

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