Programmable Devices
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20726 Discussions

Ethernet MAC IP to receive data sent via UDP

Honored Contributor II

Dear Altera Gurus, 


I am currently working on a project that needs to get data to a remote board in the order of 3-5 megabytes per second. Previously I have used FTDI devices via USB but this board may be located 5-10M away from the data source so I am considering Ethernet (UDP) to send data to the board. One route I have investigated is the use of a PIC (PIC32MX795F512L) but the PIC is right on the edge of data throughput and I will also need an FPGA to do something with the data in a real time nature. 

I would like to ideally use FPGA to connect directly to a DP83848 but I am a relative beginner in VHDL and it is highly likely I am/will become out of my depth. Does anyone know of an off the shelf IP core (not that I've ever used one) or a reference design with code samples [with good documentation] that might allow a newbie to take the deep dive. I am happy to consider paying for a core i.e. I'm not just looking to get something from opencores - it's really that it is relative simple to use and that the learning curve is too steep. 

I would greatly appreciate any input. 

Kind regards, 

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks thepancake, 


I should mention that I have no experience of NIOS and I'm trying to fit this into and EP1C3 (but would be prepared to move up a notch if required). 




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Honored Contributor II

Hey does anyone have an idea about how to get the DE2-115 board to access a certain website through Ethernet? are there any examples that i can benefit from? Thank you in advance!

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