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Executing tcl to a specific project

Honored Contributor II



I am new to tcl scripting and I am having a really hard time understanding how to execute a tcl script. I have the project open in quartus and the tcl script in the same directory as the project.  


The scripts does virtual pin assignments and I took it as it was from the altera website.  


Thank you, 

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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I am new to tcl scripting and I am having a really hard time understanding how to execute a tcl script. I have the project open in quartus and the tcl script in the same directory as the project.  


The scripts does virtual pin assignments and I took it as it was from the altera website.  


--- Quote End ---  



Tcl scripts can be 'sourced' from a Tcl shell. 


In the Quartus GUI, click on the Tcl shell. If you can't see the shell, make it visible using View->Utility Windows->Tcl Console. 


Then at the Tcl prompt (which looks like tcl>) type: 


tcl> source my_script.tcl 


where my_script.tcl is the script you are trying to 'execute'. What you are really doing by sourcing the script is saving yourself some typing. If the script defines a procedure, eg., something like this 


proc boring {} { 

puts "This is a boring procedure!" 


Then it defines a new procedure in the Tcl shell. You can then type 


tcl> boring 


and the shell will run the procedure, which prints a message to the console. 


If you want to see more complex use of Tcl scripts, go through this tutorial: 



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Honored Contributor II

Thank you Dave. Very clear and concise answer.

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