Programmable Devices
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HPS Memory Mapping

Honored Contributor II



I am trying to perform memory-mapped I/O with the HPS. I want to be able to write from a certain address in memory from the HPS, and have the FPGA interpret those values and take action accordingly. However, I am very lost as to where to even begin. How do I make sure that i "reserve" the same address space every time? How can the FPGA access values stored in the HPS memory? I know this has something to do with h2f bridges, but I am lost as where to begin. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Try to run *-HardwareLib-FPGA-* example in DS-5 debugger, LEDs will be blinking, observe to write/read operations and it adresses, and in parallel view GHRD sources in QSys. 

You will be create (or get standard) and add in design component like gpio for LEDs with Avalon-MM interface, set offset to it properties or use auto-QSys mapping, and after compiling HPS may read/write registers on these offsets. 

FPGA may access to HPS DDR through AMBA-bridge, our designers write tests for count speed of read/write operations, it be slightly little in comparison with FPGA-DDR.
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