Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
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JTAG can not find device MAXII

Honored Contributor II

Hi everybody, 


we are using a MAXII EPM570GT100C5N on Quartus Quartus 9.1 Build 350 03/2010 SJ Web Edition in Windows XP. We have Altera USB-Blasters for programming and we get the following error when trying to program anything to the CPLD: Can't access JTAG chain. JTAG server error: error 44 Are there any known problems related to that chip? Are there sequences that I have to follow so that the chip will be found in the JTAG chain? We checked all connections and it appears that all JTAG signals arrive on the correct pins at the chip. 


Best regards 

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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

We think we solved the problem. We have a design for a EPM570T100C5N and use a EPM570GT100C5N. The design supplies the chip with 3.3 V core voltage where the G series requires 1.8 V only. 

We hope everything is ok once we change the chip now.
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Honored Contributor II

i bet that'll fix it, i'm sure you let the magic smoke out of those G parts

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Honored Contributor II

Hi Folks, 


I have a similar problem as above. 


I have a USB Blaster JTAG and a EPM240T100C5N board. I'm using Quartus 11.0 Web Edition on Windows 7 64-bt. I have succesfully installed the device driver from the Altera/11.0/quartus/drivers/usb-blaster directory. After installation I have restarted the computer. It appeares in the USB device list as "Altera USB-Blaster". When I disconnect the device it disappears and reappears when I reconnect. 


My problem is whatever I do I can not see the device from Quartus. When I open the programmer I select JTAG mode and it shows "No Hardware" in the hardware list. When I open the "Hardware Setup/Hardware Settings" the list contains the "No Hardware" text. When attempting to add a new hardware I get the following error message: "Attempted to access JTAG server -- internal error code 82 occured". 


I don't know what exactly it means. Once it asked me to open firewall, I authorised it but no change. 


Could somebody please help me? 


Many thanks 



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Honored Contributor II

I suggest getting this to work using jtagconfig on the command line rather than using the programmer window. 


Error 82 indicates a failure to communicate with jtagserver. Check that there is a process called jtagserver running, and check that it has opened port 1309. `netstat -an` should show jtagserver listening on this port and should show a connection between the quartus process and the jtagserver process on this port
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Honored Contributor II

Hello, thanks for the help. I have found the problem. I used the Altera installer that probably hasn't detected that I'm using 64-bit OS and it's installed everything with 32-bit. The 32-bit jtagserver doesn't run on 64-bit systems. Actually the whole bin64 directory is missing with all the related binaries. After the installation there was an option to leave a feedback. I'll tell them about this issue and hopefuly they'll resolve it. 


Until then can you please help me how to work around this? 


Many thanks 


Kind Regards 

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Honored Contributor II

There was a bug in the 11.0 web edition install which missed out the required 64 bit files. If you install the 11.0sp1 programmer install then this should provide the 64 bit jtagserver.

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