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Lack of write to LUT or small ram in Altera

Honored Contributor II

As far as I can tell, Altera LUT ram does not allow writing by user logic. 

This prevents a small ram from being implemented. My understanding 

is that Xilinx has patents ( expired ? ) on distributed rams. But surely 

just having a write to a LUT does not infringe on any patents.  


So why does Altera not allow user logic to write a LUT ? 

Anyone has a better insight ?
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Cyclone III/IV? That's correct, although the devices have smaller RAMs meant for this purpose. Stratix IV and all future families do allow the LAB to be converted to a small RAM, so it is there on the high end and coming on the less expensive FPGAs. 

(Note that there is a silicon expense in hardware for doing this. I belive both X and A only allow it on every other column or something like that because of that...)
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for the info. I'll be looking forward to Cyclone 5. Small lut rams can 

be very useful & an advantage compared to asic designs. I am converting 

a Xilinx design into Altera & found the lack of small rams hindering. But then I figured out a different design which does away with the small rams 

entirely. Lucky this time but I'll certainly look forward to Altera lut rams.
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