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Memory bit not enough for Stratix II EP2S60F672C3

Honored Contributor II

Hi All, 


I'm designing specialized RAM for my project and is prototype on Stratix II, EP2S60F672C3. Below is my design 


module ram (datain, address, we, clk, dataout); 


parameter row = 4; 

parameter column = 4; 

parameter data_width = 4; 

parameter address_width = (row+column); 



input [data_width-1:0] datain; 

input [address_width-1:0] address; 

input clk; 

input we; 



output [data_width-1:0] dataout; 



reg [data_width-1:0] ram[2**address_width-1:0]; 

reg [data_width-1:0] dataout; 



//behavior descryption 

always @(posedge clk) 


if (we) //write operation 

ram[address] <= datain; 



always @ (negedge clk) 


dataout <= ram[address]; //read operation 





According to my calculation, the memory usage should calculated as below 

Memory usage :# address location *# bit in each location 


case 1: DATA_WIDTH = 4; 

memory usage = (2^8) * (4) = 1024 bits; 


case 2: DATA_WIDTH = 36; 

memory usage = (2^8) * (36) = 9,216 bits; 


but my design would require 1296 bits to store big number, so... 

case 3: DATA_WIDTH = 1296; 

memory usage = (2^8) * (1296) = 331,776 bits; 


Stratix II EP2S60F672C3 has 2,544,192 bits, by right my design can be fit into this device. However, i got an error:  


"error: out of memory in module quartus_map (2147 megabytes used)


Anyone has any idea why my design is using up 2147Mb? 


Thanks in advance, 

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

You misunderstand the error message. It's about your PC being "Out of memory" during compilation, not FPGA memory. Assuming your PC has more than 2 GB RAM, then it's a problem of 32 Bit Windows settings. There's an option to enable one more GB for the application, it has been discussed in the forum, and is also mentionend somewhere in a Quartus readme file. 


It's also a fact, that "Out of memory" sometimes can be triggered by "impossible" designs, e.g. involding infinite iterations. But your design seems fine. 


The "Out of memory" problem has to do with complexity of the used design and FPGA size. To check your design first, you can compile it without specifying a particular FPGA type.
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