Programmable Devices
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Model Sim license error


I started a blank project in Quartus with the default settings, created a bdx file, entered a few inputs/output lines and logic gates, created a vwf file, and tried to run the functional simulation:


**** Running the ModelSim simulation ****

f:/ibmalterafpga/questa_fse/win64//vsim -c -do

Unable to checkout a license. Make sure your license file environment variable (e.g., LM_LICENSE_FILE)

is set correctly and then run 'lmutil lmdiag' to diagnose the problem.

Unable to checkout a license. Vsim is closing.


** Error: Invalid license environment. Application closing.




I downloaded a license as per a previous topic post concerning this issue and registered that license through Quartus and I still receive the error. 

I'm using Quartus Prime Version 21.1.1 Build 850 06/23/2022 SJ Lite Edition on a WIN10 machine.

I saw another response to a post that one issue that causes this is the wrong sw was downloaded, but not sure what to do. Did I download the software incorrectly?

Typing  lmutil lmdiag after the new license was installed I receive the following message:

Can't fetch the requested information!

EDIT TO ADD: I reran it with the license file supplied in the command and the response is:

This is the correct node for the node locked license



license file header:

# This is license file for Questasim*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition
# Number of seat licenses is 1
# License Expires 12-Oct-2023
INCREMENT intelqsimstarter mgcld 2023.10 12-oct-2023 uncounted \

Help please.



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1 Solution

I got simulation working. To answer my own question in the hopes it may help a fellow noob, here are the steps that I used to get simulation working. I'm not sure if step 1 is necessary because I don't know what program is actually running the simulation, but I downloaded and installed it anyway.


1. Download/Install Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition (includes Starter Edition)  

2. Download license file and store it somewhere on your hard drive. I put it in my Quartus folder. 

3. Read the directions on creating a new system variable for LM_LICENSE_FILE here and do that.  I used the setx command:

setx LM_LICENSE_FILE C:\intelFPGA\license.dat;%LM_LICENSE_FILE%

just change the full name and path to your license. 

4. Go to Quartus  <tools> <license setup> and click the checkbox for use LM_LICENSE_FILE. You know you have the license set up correctly if the box already contains your license file.

That should be it to get simulations running, but if you're like me the simulation won't display any outputs, so in the Simulation Waveform Editor window select <Simulation> <Simulation Settings> and change -noptargs to -voptargs="+acc" in both tabs, simulation and timing. Now the output waveforms will be displayed. 


View solution in original post

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2 Replies

I got simulation working. To answer my own question in the hopes it may help a fellow noob, here are the steps that I used to get simulation working. I'm not sure if step 1 is necessary because I don't know what program is actually running the simulation, but I downloaded and installed it anyway.


1. Download/Install Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition (includes Starter Edition)  

2. Download license file and store it somewhere on your hard drive. I put it in my Quartus folder. 

3. Read the directions on creating a new system variable for LM_LICENSE_FILE here and do that.  I used the setx command:

setx LM_LICENSE_FILE C:\intelFPGA\license.dat;%LM_LICENSE_FILE%

just change the full name and path to your license. 

4. Go to Quartus  <tools> <license setup> and click the checkbox for use LM_LICENSE_FILE. You know you have the license set up correctly if the box already contains your license file.

That should be it to get simulations running, but if you're like me the simulation won't display any outputs, so in the Simulation Waveform Editor window select <Simulation> <Simulation Settings> and change -noptargs to -voptargs="+acc" in both tabs, simulation and timing. Now the output waveforms will be displayed. 


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Sounds good, thanks for sharing and hope everything is working well at your side. This thread will be transitioned to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you

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