Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
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Problem working with NIOS II-eclipse(Qarthus II 12.1) and BeMicroSDK

Honored Contributor II

Hello guys , I'm totally new in the hole stuff about FPGa and i'm trying to learn it somehow fast - basic stuff to complete a task in my university.I got the following problem :  

First of all: 

1. I got the BeMicroSDK stick which can be orthered from altera. 

2. I downloaded all the lab files (the zip ) from altera  

3. I downloaded Quartus II latest version including Nios II eclipse  

4. Basically I follow every single step from the pdf file in the lab exercises. 


I got stuck at this :  


3.3 configure the board support package 


Right click on the BeMicroSDK_lab_bsp project and select Nios II -> BSP Editor… from the right-click menu. 


After I right click on this it opens a windows in which , on the bottom of which the tab stands at Problems ( out of Information|Problems"Processing ) and it is written: 

hardware component ältera_avalon_sgdma:10.0"does not meet the candidate driver "altera_avalon_sgdma_driver:12.1"stated minimal compatible hardware version "11.0".you may need to re-generate the sopc system to get updated hardware version. 


First time I kind of ignored that and proceeded with the stuff I have to do , But when I later on tried to Build the project , it gives a lot of errors which are in :  

# ifdef __ALTERA_AVALON_SGDMA# include "altera_avalon_sgdma_regs.h" ( Unresolved inclusion: "altera_avalon_sgdma_regs.h" no such file or directory) 


alt_32 tse_mac_initTransInfo2( tse_mac_trans_info *mi, 

alt_u32 mac_base, 

alt_32 tx_sgdma, 

alt_32 rx_sgdma, 

alt_32 cfgflags) { 


mi->base = (np_tse_mac*)mac_base; 

mi->tx_sgdma = (alt_sgdma_dev *)tx_sgdma; x 

mi->rx_sgdma = (alt_sgdma_dev *)rx_sgdma; x 

mi->cfgflags = cfgflags; x 

return SUCCESS; 



alt_32 tse_mac_sTxWrite( tse_mac_trans_info *mi,  

alt_sgdma_descriptor *txDesc) x 



basically I got all the errors which are related to the missing "altera_avalon_sgdma_regs.h" file in the code , every time it uses variables or anything from it.I also dont have a clue what is to re-generate the SOPC system to get updated hardware version too.  


Later on based on this I also got stuck at : 


4.3 run the software application on the target 

To run the software project on the Nios II processor: 

• Press the Run button in the Run Configurations window. 

This will re-build the software project to create an up–to-date executable and then download the code into memory on 

our BeMicroSDK hardware. The debugger resets the Nios II processor, and it executes the downloaded code. Note that 

the code is verified in memory before it is executed. 


I just can't hit the Run button , because it's faded/unavailable and it's a result because I've not included any ELF file to it. Which should be because I cannot build the project and generate one I assume. 


Thanks for help in advance, 

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