Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20795 Discussions

Problems with JTAG code

Honored Contributor II

I'm starting to work with an FPGA, and I'm trying to run the first example 

of the NIOS II IDE. 


After I create and build the project, I give it the command to run, after which I receive the following message on the console: 


"there are no nios ii cpus with debug modules available which match the values specified. please check that your pld is correctly configured, downloading a new sof file if necessary." 


And then, it opens the Quartus II program. I add the standard NIOS II .sof file, and then when I try to load it into the device, this appears: 


"error: can't configure device. expected jtag id code 0x020b40dd for device 1, but found jtag id code 0x020b30dd. 

error: operation failed


What might be causing this, and how can I fix it? I'm working on a Cyclone II, in a machine running Windows XP.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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"error: can't configure device. expected jtag id code 0x020b40dd for device 1, but found jtag id code 0x020b30dd. 

What might be causing this, and how can I fix it? 

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You have the wrong Cyclone device type selected; the JTAG code for each device is different. 


Check your board design documents for the correct part number, and then check your project is using that part number. 



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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for replying. But, I still have questions. 


How can I check if my project is using that number? And where in the board design documents can I find it? The data sheet, the schematics or another document? 


And, if the project is using a different code, how can I change it to the correct one?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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How can I check if my project is using that number? 


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The GUI will show you what you have selected. 



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And where in the board design documents can I find it? The data sheet, the schematics or another document? 


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I would hope so. Can you see the top of the FPGA package? If so, its printed on there too. 



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And, if the project is using a different code, how can I change it to the correct one? 

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Change the Assignments->Device settings to the correct part number and recompile the project. Changing the part number might cause Quartus to reset all assignments, so you'll have to figure out which ones are important and set them up again for the new project. One way to determine what the current settings are, is to have Quartus generate a Tcl file for the current design using Project->Generate Tcl File For Project. 



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