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Quartus 2 ver 10 MegaWizard

Honored Contributor II



I'm sorry if this problem has addressed before.  

I installed Quartus 2 version 10 both in Scientific linux and windows vista and I tried to do the example given in the tt_my_first_fpga.pdf. When I tried to add a multiplexer as explained in the page number 29, I found that their are no stuff under the gates in the MegaWizard plug in manager. 

In an one forum I have seen that version 10 is not working properly then install version 9.x. But I can't find the linux version of the 9.x. I did install the 9.0 in a Windows vista PC. Unfortunately that version didn't have the FPGA “EP3C25F324C8” in the device list.  

Could any one help me!
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

as you've found some of the lpm functions have been removed in 10.0. i'm not sure if they will come back. 


Quartus II 9.1 Linux Web Edition was a beta test and not complete, not sure i'd recommend it over 10.0. 


i am surprised about Quartus II 9.0 not having that Cyclone III device, that doesn't sound right
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