Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20803 Discussions

Quartus II DE1 Board clock problems

Honored Contributor II

Hi, we are students that receive the DE1 Altera Board for a university project.  


We need to use the 50 MHz clock and divide it to obtain a 2 MHz clock; the project works normally on Quartus II, and there it is: 


library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity clk is port( --reset : in std_logic; ing : in std_logic; oclk : out std_logic ); end clk; architecture bev of clk is signal clk_temp : std_logic :='0'; signal clk_temp_in : std_logic :='0'; begin oclk<=clk_temp; clk_temp_in<=ing; process(clk_temp_in) variable cnt : natural := 1; begin -- conto fino a 25 colpi di clkin per poi dare un colpo di clk a SCLK if (clk_temp_in'EVENT and clk_temp_in='1') then if ( cnt = 13 ) then clk_temp <= NOT (clk_temp); cnt := 1; else cnt := cnt + 1; end if ; end if; end process; end bev;We need to use Simulink, so we use the block "HDL Import" from the DSPBuilder; then we load the VHDL and use the block "Signal Compiler" to generate the project for Quartus; but we have this: 


library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; library altera; use altera.alt_dspbuilder_package.all; library lpm; use lpm.lpm_components.all; entity alt_dspbuilder_clock_GNF343OQUJ is port( aclr : in std_logic; aclr_n : in std_logic; aclr_out : out std_logic; clock : in std_logic; clock_out : out std_logic); end entity; architecture rtl of alt_dspbuilder_clock_GNF343OQUJ is Begin -- Straight Bypass Clock clock_out <= clock; -- reset logic aclr_out <= not(aclr_n); end architecture;What happened to our code ? We don't understand it. Thank for you help.
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