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ROS (Robot Operating System) with an FPGA board (hobby level)

Honored Contributor II

Hi All, 


I'm new to programming and have just started wtih AVR. I'd like to later venture into FPGA but will have a lot of planning to do on exactly what type of system requirements i will need. 


I'd like to focus on Robot Vision first, and then bipedal balance later. 


ROS looks like it has good support for bringing sensor data together, ROS runs on LINUX. From my understanding, FPGA boards are not single board computers, but can be interfaced with PC's through the PCIe slot. 


It looks like FPGA boards that have the PCIe capability are over $1000, that's definitely not for a beginner. Could anyone suggest an appropriate way for me to use ROS on Linux, and have a bunch of sensors connected to an FPGA board, and have them all talking to each other? I really wish makermedia would come out with Make: FPGA programming. because Make: AVR programming is turning out to be quite helpful. 


Thanks in advance!
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

As far as I know ROS is good for controlling robot motion, I don't know about sensors. 

At what speed do you want data input. A UART interface might be sufficient for some. Althoug I don't know if ROS 

supports input in that way. 

Good luck on the vision thing, in my experience it is hard to get right under changing circumstances.
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Honored Contributor II


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I'm new to programming and have just started wtih AVR. I'd like to later venture into FPGA but will have a lot of planning to do on exactly what type of system requirements i will need. 


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FPGAs are a lot more complicated than an AVR :) 



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I'd like to focus on Robot Vision first, and then bipedal balance later. 


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Do you have any of this working with an AVR yet? 



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ROS looks like it has good support for bringing sensor data together, ROS runs on LINUX. 


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If you are interested in using ROS, which requires Linux, then why bother with AVRs? 



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From my understanding, FPGA boards are not single board computers, but can be interfaced with PC's through the PCIe slot. 


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Not all of them. The ones that come in PCIe form-factor are the FPGAs with transceivers. 



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It looks like FPGA boards that have the PCIe capability are over $1000, that's definitely not for a beginner. Could anyone suggest an appropriate way for me to use ROS on Linux, and have a bunch of sensors connected to an FPGA board, and have them all talking to each other? I really wish makermedia would come out with Make: FPGA programming. because Make: AVR programming is turning out to be quite helpful. 


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FPGAs can be used for pretty much any application. However, just because they *can* be used, does not mean they *should* :) 


In your case, since you are new to AVRs, FPGAs, and Linux, you should take the "path of least resistance", i.e., find an existing solution that you can learn from. 


If you like AVRs, then look at Arduino, and its shields, they likely have a robot shield. 


If you want to use ROS and Linux, then look at the BeagleBone or Raspberry Pi, and their projects. 


Once you have a solid grasp on programming and how your robots need to work, and you cannot find a solution that eg., uses an AVR controlled by a Linux box, then come back to FPGAs. 


I'm not trying to put you off using FPGAs, I'm just trying to direct you down a path where you will get something working sooner, and have a sense of accomplishment. When you're bored with microprocessors and processors, then you can step up to FPGAs :) 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Dave, 


Thanks for your detailed and informative response, it has cleared up a lot of the questions I've been having. I will continue on the path of least resistance and finish the projects in the book Make: AVR programming (that i've been working with), and will then explore the Beaglebone/ROS combo that you suggested. I hadn't considered R Pi or Beaglebone before, but they make a lot of sense after researching them. Happy new year!
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Thanks for your detailed and informative response, it has cleared up a lot of the questions I've been having. I will continue on the path of least resistance and finish the projects in the book Make: AVR programming (that i've been working with), and will then explore the Beaglebone/ROS combo that you suggested. I hadn't considered R Pi or Beaglebone before, but they make a lot of sense after researching them. 


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Great! I'm glad to have helped. You'll have plenty of fun (and challenges) with your project. 



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Happy new year! 

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You too! 



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