Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
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Remote Upgrade via UART on Cyclone III

Honored Contributor II

I've created a daughter card that connects the RS232 transceiver to the HDMI interface on the Cyclone III starter board. The production design will require Remote Upgrade via the serial port. The design is running AP configuration. (For clarity, let's assume the production design/custom board is identical to the starter kit in all hardware with only the addition of this serial port) 


I've got a project with the Nios II processor, CFI, UART, and all the pins mapped and working properly. Now I need to add the Remote Upgrade logic, so I pulled an521 (, that describes using the Parallel Flash Loader via the JTAG interface on the board. The app note does mention UART interface is an option.  


The production design will have a factory image (boot, self-test, scan for incoming upgrade requests, then configure with application image). And an application image (run the application design).  


1) When I add the Remote Update megafunction, do I still need the PFL to create an update via the UART, or do I need to create a custom interface to do the same functions? I'm a bit lost on whether the PFL will work without using the JTAG.  


2) Do I need to create the remote upgrade functionality in both the application image and factory image, or can I trigger a system reset from within the application (Upon receiving string 'update available' on the serial port, trigger a system reset to go back into the factory image)? 



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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The PFL Megafunction is useless when not operated through JTAG. You have to provide the flash programming function in your application. I assume, that the UART and flash related complex operations can be most easily performed in NIOS II code. 


As far as I see, Altera hasn't remote update tools that are utilizing other interfaces than JTAG. So you have to define a download protocol and create a download application. Of course common binary file transfer protocols as X/Y/ZMODEM or hex-coded files can be used. 


Regarding your second question, I assume that the Remote Update Megafunction should be able to perform the said reset. But UART upgrade performed in factory image implies that it contains a NIOS II design to serve the UART.
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Honored Contributor II

hi all, 


in CYCLONE III device how can i use remote system upgrading configuration. please any one is ther to help me how can i use remnote system to configure the FPGA. 

my mail id is  


if any one knows remote system in CYCLONE III FPGA please tell me how can i use to configure the that application in FPAG. 


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Honored Contributor II

i'm also doing with Cyclone III. as far as i see, you should access their web.  

But Cyclone III isn't the UART. I dont know how to interface between Cyclone III's Ethernet and PC. can i use UART ?
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