Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
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Remote update configurs FPGA but does not run NIOS II program

Honored Contributor II



I have written a remote updater (called updater hereunder) using Xmodem 1k protocol. 

I can upload images but I see that new image (called application hereunder) is configuring the FPGA correctly but my NIOS II program which is also part of this image is not running. 


I have the following questions which could help me solving this problem: 

- In the remote updater (updater) I have set the configuration mode to Remote in the Device and Pin options. Is this correct ? 

- In the image (application) that I will download I have set the configuration mode to Standard in the Device and Pin options. Is this correct ? 

- Do I also have to add a remote update component to the application image for making the update run ? 

- In the updater image I have located the epcs-controller on address: 0x0002_1800 and in the application image I have located the epcs-controller on address: 0x00000000. 

Could this be a problem ? 


Could anybody give me some hints in order to solve my problem. 


Thank you and best regards, 


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