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Simulating Rom using Modelsim

Honored Contributor II

Hi Everyone, 


Could anyone please give me some advice on how to instantiate a ROM Megafunction and simulate it using ModelSim-ase 10.0c.  


Within Quartus II 11.1 I’ve created an instance of the Rom megafunction using the megawizard plug-in manager. Compiled the design and so far everything is Ok. No errors are listed. 


I then try and simulate the design using ModelSim Altera Starter Edition 10.0c. I create a project, add the vhdl files, including a test bench. I compile these added files with no errors. However, when I try and find my test bench under library-work, it is not there. It does not matter how I try to get the test bench to come up in the work directory it will not appear. 


I’ve been through the use manual to find some info on it but none seems to be available. Could you please give me some suggestions as to what I am doing wrong? I would appreciate any help. 



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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I would avoid using modelsim projects. They are a bit useless. 


learn it using the command line: 


navigate to the working directory with cd, ls (like linux) 

# create work library 

vlib work  

# compile files 

vcom my_file.vhd (or vlog my_file.v for verilog) 

# simulation 

vsim my_entity_tb 

# run -all to run forever, or specify a time amount. 

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Honored Contributor II

Thanks Tricky, 


I'll give that a try.
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