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USB Core vs. separate USB controller

Honored Contributor II

I am using the Cyclone III dev kit integrated with a Cortex-M1 processor and I've been asked to include USB host and device functionality. From what I could tell the only USB 2.0 cores I could find were from SLS and were way out of the price range; so, I've been looking at separate USB controllers instead.  


The VNC1L is a dual USB controller for about $11. Is this worth the money or does it make more sense to buy two separate controllers, one for device and one for slave? Are there any other cheaper options for integrated USB cores in the FPGA? 


Also, if I do pick an external solution for the USB, I would just need to implement PIO(s) on the SOPC from the USB controller(s) to the microprocessor and then write the c code for the driver right? I'm pretty new to interfacing to other peripherals with FPGA's so any advice would be helpful, thanks.
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