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User Libraries (Quartus II 5.1)

Honored Contributor II


It's the first time I write to a forum! I'd be very grateful to you if you help me! 


My problem is the following: 


I created a project with Quartus II 5.1. Particularly, I created a Block Diagram File.  

I need to use this project as a library in an other project. 

That's what I do: 

- from the FILE menù, I select CREATE SYMBOL FOR CURRENT FILE 

- I create a new project: in the user libraries, i put the path of the package where is the first project 

- the problem is that when i compile this new project, I have to add manually the files contained in the package of the old project. Why it doesn't find them by itself? I read that in this version of quartus II, you have to do this way.... but i don't really know, it's 2 days i'm trying to solve the problem!!! 


hope to hear you soon! 


bye bye!
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The symbol files are not needed during compilation. You need the symbol files only for inserting the symbols into a schematic. 


Your library directory needs to have the schematic (.bdf) or HDL (.v, .vhd, or .tdf) file with the filename matching the entity name inside the file. If the filename and entity name are different, you will have to add the individual files to the project as you described. 



Edited post: 


On second thought, the entity name doesn't explain your problem. Because you are using a schematic, the filename is used as the entity name. There is nothing inside the file that the filename needs to match as is the case with HDL files. 


Be sure the schematic, not merely the symbol file, is in the library directory.
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Honored Contributor II



Thank you very much for your answer ;)  


I found the name of the directory and the name of the schematic file differ because of a simple space. 


So I changed things and now they have same name. 


But, when I do 'Start Analysis&Synthesis' in the new project, there are always WARNINGS as the following one: 


Warning: Using design file ../TIMERprog/TIMERprog.bdf, which is not specified as a design file for the current project, but contains definitions for 1 design units and 1 entities in project 

Info: Found entity 1: TIMERprog 


I'd like to specify the directory of the user library and STOP...whitout having to insert design files after.... 

Where do I make mistakes? Is it possible or maybe in this version it isn't?! 


waiting for an answer, 


I wish you a nice day
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