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Verilog PIPO Shift-register issue

Honored Contributor II



I have this Verilog code that implements a Shift-Register Parallel In - Parallel Out. 

It should concatenate 2 parallel bits in vector until it reaches 16 (divide the input frequency by 8), when it does it should set an output flag (setOut). 


module data_packer ( input pin, // Parallel Input input clk, input reset, // Synchronous and assynchronous state machine controllers output reg pout, // Parallel Output output reg setOut // Output ready signal ); // Declare registers reg delay_line; //reg delay_line_out; reg state; // Declare states parameter S0 = 0, S1 = 1, S2 = 2, S3 = 3, S4 = 4, S5 = 5, S6 = 6, S7 = 7; // Output depends only on the state always @ (state) begin case (state) S0: delay_line <= {delay_line, pin}; S1: delay_line <= {delay_line, pin}; S2: delay_line <= {delay_line, pin}; S3: delay_line <= {delay_line, pin}; S4: delay_line <= {delay_line, pin}; S5: delay_line <= {delay_line, pin}; S6: delay_line <= {delay_line, pin}; S7: delay_line <= {delay_line, pin}; endcase end // Determine the next state always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if (~reset) begin state <= S0; setOut <= 0; end else case (state) S0: state <= S1; S1: state <= S2; S2: state <= S3; S3: begin state <= S4; setOut <= 1'b0; end S4: state <= S5; S5: state <= S6; S6: state <= S7; S7: begin state <= S0; pout <= delay_line; setOut <= 1'b1; end default: begin state <= S0; setOut <= 1'b0; end endcase end endmodule  


When I compile it it gives me this Warning: 

Warning (10235): Verilog HDL Always Construct warning at data_packer_rev0.v(31): variable "delay_line" is read inside the Always Construct but isn't in the Always Construct's Event Control Warning (10235): Verilog HDL Always Construct warning at data_packer_rev0.v(31): variable "pin" is read inside the Always Construct but isn't in the Always Construct's Event Control 


Repeated for every case of the "always @ (state) begin". 

Since, it isn't supposed to enter the case whenever delay_line or pin changes, what it should be done? 


Even though the warnings, it compiles successfully, but doesn't give any "setOut". 


Kind regards 

Pedro Ferreira
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The Warning is that the delay_line result is based on state, delay_line and pin conditions, but the always block is only dependent on state. 


This warning is telling you synthesis may give you different results than simulation in this case. 


If you look at your code, you are in essence making a mux that all the inputs are the same. 


So the mux doesn't need to be there. delay_line <= {delay_line[13:0], pin[1:0]}; 

in the always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset) begin block and remove the trouble always block completely.
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Honored Contributor II

Hi anakha, 


Yes indeed it was a really messy way to do that... 


Using the delay_line in the always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset) block the warning doesn't appear. 

Could you explain why is that? Since the same registers are read inside the clock block. 


Another question. Is there a way to start the state machine without first giving the reset? Because now after programming the state machine isn't running, I first need to give the reset and then it works normally. 


I read in a state machine if it isn't given a reset, the Altera compiler will assume state S0 as the first state, and a reset isn't needed. 


Kind regards 

Pedro Ferreira
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

On the first question: The warning is based on sensitivity list requirements. Normally all inputs that effect a change on the output are required in the sensitivity list, unless the change is based on a clock signal (IE posedge/negedge clk) 


So in your case, the always @(STATE) doesn't have all the required items. You can fix this in two other ways, then the one I mentioned. One is making it an always @(*) block, or always @(STATE or delay_line or pin). this would effectively make the block a combinational mux. Since delay_line is dependent upon itself, it would oscillate and not be the desired logic. 


The other way would be to have this as also be an always @(posedge clk) block. 

This would give you the desired logic, but would also allow you to have the function of delay_line be different depending on the state it's in. (IE some states could just hold it's value). 


on the second question, reset: It's always good practice to use a reset regardless. Yes FPGA logic can power up in a know state, but if you are depended upon this fact, you will get burned if you ever attempt to convert the logic to an ASIC.  


Every design I've done I put a reset in. In FPGA's sometimes I've left this reset to a pin that is just externally floating or tied high, and I have a weak pull-up on the pin. I've never had an issue with the FPGA starting up in the correct fashion. (Although you have to apply the reset in simulation to get out of the X states) HOWEVER in an ASIC you must tie and assert the reset, because the registers can power up in random states. So for proper functionality you need to get your statemachines into a know state. 


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