Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20777 Discussions

about the error: Port "" does not exit in macrofunction \"NIOS"\

Honored Contributor II

Dear friends 

I am a new user of the product named motionfire kit. Now, I meet a difficulty and want to consult you. 


when I started compilation for the FPGA project of motionfire kit, there appeared the following messages after analysis &synthesis : 

Error: Port \"A_to_the_roto\" does not exist in macrofunction \"NIOS\"  

Error: Port \"B_to_the_roto\" does not exist in macrofunction \"NIOS\"  

Error: Port \"S_to_the_roto\" does not exist in macrofunction \"NIOS\"  

Error: Port \"av_waitrequest_from_the_can0\" does not exist in macrofunction \"NIOS\"  

the archived project is attached in the mail. 

I do not know what is the reason for these error. Please give me some advices .  

Thanks a lot
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21 Replies
Honored Contributor II

this quartus archive does not contain all files required. 

what quartus version are you using ? 

quartus 9.1 reports some "depricated" warnings, when opening the sopc project. 

some ip's are missing like sysname  

also the top level file is missing. 

unfortunately the archive is incomplete to give you more informations
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Honored Contributor II

Dear MSchmitt from Germany,:)  


Thank you very much for your help and reply. 


I am using quartus II V9.1 Build 222 10/21/2009 SJ Full Version. 


I archived the project again and uploaded the file for your analysis.  


Can you give me your email address or msn account? I want to contact with you for more technique problems.
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Honored Contributor II

Is there somebody who can answer my questions?

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Honored Contributor II

hellow, who can give me some suggestion about the solution on the error??

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Honored Contributor II

Hello Wanghf, I could not open your project after I extract the archive file you have uploaded. Quartus says there is some errors in the quatus setting file. Please upload the complete project.

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Honored Contributor II

how to upload the complete project?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hello wanghf, In quartus, goto project tab, and then select archiveproject. This will take some time. After this try to open the archive and see if you get any error. If quartus does not complain about anything then please upload the archive. Else you may have to find what is wrong with archiving. all the best.

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Honored Contributor II


there are some error messages such as 

Error: Port "A_to_the_roto" does not exist in macrofunction "NIOS" 

Error: Port "B_to_the_roto" does not exist in macrofunction "NIOS" 

Error: Port "S_to_the_roto" does not exist in macrofunction "NIOS" 

Error: Port "av_waitrequest_from_the_can0" does not exist in macrofunction "NIOS" 

Error: Port "av_waitrequest_from_the_can1" does not exist in macrofunction "NIOS" 

Error: Result: ERROR: Error(s) found while running an executable. See report file(s) for error message(s). Message log indicates which executable was run last. 

Error: Failed to discover source files from compiler. Check Analysis & Elaboration report. 

Error: Evaluation of Tcl script d:/altera/91/quartus/common/tcl/apps/qpm/qar.tcl unsuccessful 

Error: Quartus II Shell was unsuccessful. 8 errors, 268 warnings 

Error: Peak virtual memory: 123 megabytes 

Error: Processing ended: Fri Jul 02 16:21:41 2010 

Error: Elapsed time: 00:03:10 

Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:01:31
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


; Table of Contents ; 


1. Legal Notice 

2. Archive Project Summary 

3. Archive Project Messages 

4. Files Archived 



; Legal Notice ; 




; Archive Project Summary ; 


; Archive Project Status ; Successful - Fri Jul 02 16:21:41 2010 ; 

; Revision Name ; top ; 

; Top-level Entity Name ; fpga ; 

; Family ; Cyclone III ; 




; Archive Project Messages ; 


Info: File Set 'Source control' contains: 

Info: Project source and settings files 

Info: Automatically detected source files 

Critical Warning: Analysis & Elaboration was not run successfully 

Critical Warning: The 'Automatically detected source files' file subset will attempt to guess which files are needed. The archive file will likely be larger than required and may still be incomplete. 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file name.vhdl 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file outspi.vhdl 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file spileds.vhdl 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file debounce.vhdl 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file roto.vhdl 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file current_meas.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file current_regulator.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file encfol.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file fire_driver_itf.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file hallfol.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file integrator.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file limiter.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file open_fire.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file output.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file pi_regulator.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file position_meas.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file position_regulator.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file pwm_generator.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file speed_meas.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file speed_regulator.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file spi_control.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file open_fire_hw.tcl 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file open_fire.VHD 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file open_fire_hw.tcl 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_top.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_acf.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_bsp.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_btl.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_crc.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_defines.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_fifo.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_ibo.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_register.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_register_asyn.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_register_asyn_syn.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_register_syn.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file can_registers.v 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file openfire.vhdl 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file altera_europa_support.vhd 

Warning: Can't find required hierarchy file top.map_bb.hdbx 

Info: Not parsing encrypted file: alt_mem_phy_sequencer.vhd 

Info: Not parsing encrypted file: auk_ddr_hp_controller.vhd 

Info: Not parsing encrypted file: nios.vhd 

Info: ---------------------------------------------------------- 

Info: ---------------------------------------------------------- 

Info: Generated archive 'D:/motionfire/motionfire_fpga_09.1.1_restored/top.qar' 

Info: ---------------------------------------------------------- 

Info: ---------------------------------------------------------- 

Info: Generated report 'top.archive.rpt' 

Error: Evaluation of Tcl script d:/altera/91/quartus/common/tcl/apps/qpm/qar.tcl unsuccessful 

Error: Quartus II Shell was unsuccessful. 8 errors, 268 warnings 

Error: Peak virtual memory: 123 megabytes 

Error: Processing ended: Fri Jul 02 16:21:41 2010 

Error: Elapsed time: 00:03:10 

Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:01:31
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hello wanghf, Do you get these warning when you try to open your archive? When you archive your project please do not archive db files. Otherwise the archive size might be large.

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Honored Contributor II

hi, those error messages appeared after I finish the archiving process. 

Then, I can open my archive file successfully which is already attached in the mail.  


Please try to restore the archive file and help me find out what is the reason for errors.  


thanks a lot
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi there i have had the same problem, and i sucessfuly solve it. First about problems with: 


--- Quote Start ---  


Error: Port \"A_to_the_roto\" does not exist in macrofunction \"NIOS\"  

Error: Port \"B_to_the_roto\" does not exist in macrofunction \"NIOS\"  

Error: Port \"S_to_the_roto\" does not exist in macrofunction \"NIOS\"  


--- Quote End ---  


U need to find in file: openfire.vhdl all position with: 




and change it like u change roto library in SOPC Builder. For example: 

1. In SOPC Builder u get error with roto library because of the same name was already use, so u rename it to for example: roto1 

2. In openfire.vhdl file, found all place with text i said before and change it to: 




This is the solution for first problem. 

Now about the problem of: 


--- Quote Start ---  

Error: Port \"av_waitrequest_from_the_can0\" does not exist in macrofunction \"NIOS\"  

--- Quote End ---  


This is the software problem, in older version of Quartus ports in SOPC has different name in some of NIOS ports u generated. I find out that in Quartus II 10.0 port: av_waitrequest_from_the_can0 

has been named as: av_wreq_from_the_can0 

Like before u need to find all position in file: openfire.vhdl with text: 'av_waitrequest_from_the_can0' and 'av_waitrequest_from_the_can1' and simple change it to: 'av_wreq_from_the_can0' and 'av_wreq_from_the_can1' 


I think that is all, now i have problem with uploading program to the board. Anyone have idea why Quartus II Programmer don't see board?? Which is connected by RS232 converter to USB.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hello Krish, 

What kind of programmer are you using? is it byte blaster ? If you are using byte blaster and RS232 usb converter then you might run into problem due to the fact that both are using the same kind of driver. Please verify if you have byte blaster/altera programmer is in your system settings(meaning correctly installed) Then connect the programmer with your board and then start your system. you should be ready to go then. all the best.
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Honored Contributor II

The MotionFire Board using Cyclone 3 with Uart ports RS232 i'm using converter from RS232 to USB and i'm trying to program this board using USB Blaster. I'm trying to program it by Active or Passive serial but no result, Quartus II Programmer show No Hardware :( 

It's weard because i can easyly control board by hyperTerminal connecting by port com4 which is USB converter.
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Honored Contributor II

Hello Krish, Its due to the fact that the RS232 USB converter and USB blaster uses same resources. Please remove your RS232 USB converter from your system. Reinstall the USB Blaster driver, restart your system and then try to connect to the board. It should work. Please hook your USB serial port to another PC to have communication to your board. If you use RS232 converter and USB blaster from the same PC it won't work. You can verify this by looking at your controlpanel-> system -> hardware-> device manager. If the usb blaster is connected properly you should see the altera usb blaster here. Else you wont see or you see with warning sign. In this case you have reinstall the usb blaster after removing the RS232 usb converter. All the best.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thx i will try it out, and will tell if it's work ;)

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Honored Contributor II

It work i have some problems with programmer but i figure it out :)

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Honored Contributor II

Thanks a lot, kris2288 and rsenthil78.:)  


Your warm help led me through those obstacles in openfile. 


Did you fabricate own board and replant those source code in your own system? I am planning to do so. 


Best regards
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Honored Contributor II

maybe some source files had lost before compilation. Please check your all source files , and gurantee there're still exist.

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Honored Contributor II

:eek: Hi man.. I faced the same problem, the only thing i did was to change the objects names ... and problem solved ..  



Hope being helpful .. :) 


PS: Never assign a name already used by Quantus .. and if the error hold on, change the names again .. cus maybe you assigned a Quantus name in the object .. :cool:
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