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fast ethernet on altera FPGA

Honored Contributor II

Hi Guys, 

I need to develop a DAQ system that sends 10MB of data over an ethernet connection to a PC in 100-200 ms. My connection will be point to point, but on one side I have a standard PC. Do you think an approach with Altera FPGA is realistic?  

I was thinking to a TSE insatiated out of a NIOS processor and a custom block of logic that feeds TSE with the transmitting data. Do you think this will be feasible? 

I appreciate very much any suggestion from you. 

Thanks a lot.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

10MB data every 100ms is 100MB data every 1s, so 100MB/s = 800Mbps. Hardly possible, but only in hardware and using GbE link ofcourse.

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Honored Contributor II

Thanks Socrates, 

can you please help me figuring out the way to proceed? 

Mi idea is to put a TSE in a NIOSII system but break the standard datapath by 

inserting a custom module that gets data from an external memory, formats them in ethernet packets and send them to the TSE for transmission. What do you think about this?
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