Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20713 Discussions

incmprehensible error

Honored Contributor II

Hi !!  


When i compile my programm, I have these errors :  



--- Quote Start ---  

Error: Can't pack LABs 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[0]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|_~397" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[1]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|_~401" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[2]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[3]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|_~405" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[4]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|_~409" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[5]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|_~413" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[6]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|_~417" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[7]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[8]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[9]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[10]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[11]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[12]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[13]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[14]" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[0]~292" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[0]~296" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[1]~302" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[1]~307" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[2]~313" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[2]~318" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[3]~324" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[3]~329" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[4]~335" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[4]~340" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[5]~346" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[5]~351" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[6]~357" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[6]~362" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[7]~368" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[7]~373" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[8]~379" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[9]~385" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[10]~391" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[10]~393" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[11]~399" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[12]~403" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[13]~409" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[14]~412" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[3]~422" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[0]~124bal" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't place node "lpm_counter:control_2_rtl_0|dffs[0]~125bal" of type max_mcell 

Error: Can't find fit 

Error: Quartus II Fitter was unsuccessful. 50 errors, 5 warnings 

Error: Peak virtual memory: 149 megabytes 

Error: Processing ended: Mon Nov 15 21:38:29 2010 

Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:05 

Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:04 

Error: Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 52 errors, 14 warnings 


--- Quote End ---  

My programm consists to a variable control_2 (std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)) which count up to a constant value . When this value is egal, control_2 is initialized to 0 and count up a new time, etc... 


The constant can be 4 values defined by the position of a commutator (hardware).  


Here I don't understand all these errors, and more even if my constant et control_2 is always 16 bits, sometimes i don't have these errors sometimes i have. It depends the value of the constant.  


An exemple :  


--- Quote Start ---  

divide_2 <= "11101010011000000" when choix_frequence = "0001" -- 8Hz 

else "011000011010100" when choix_frequence = "0010" -- 80Hz 

else "000010011100010" when choix_frequence = "0100" -- 800Hz 

else "000000001111101" when choix_frequence = "1000" -- 8000Hz 

else "000000000000001"; 


--- Quote End ---  

Here divide_2 is the constant. The values of divide_2 generate or not the compilation errors. 


Why if for 8000Hz my value is "000000001101101" I have these errors?  

And why for this case if my value is "000000001111101" I don't have errors...? The compilation is ok and my outpout is ok. 


Please Help me...:confused:
0 Kudos
15 Replies
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi !!  


When i compile my programm, I have these errors :  


My programm consists to a variable control_2 (std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)) which count up to a constant value . When this value is egal, control_2 is initialized to 0 and count up a new time, etc... 


The constant can be 4 values defined by the position of a commutator (hardware).  


Here I don't understand all these errors, and more even if my constant et control_2 is always 16 bits, sometimes i don't have these errors sometimes i have. It depends the value of the constant.  


An exemple :  

Here divide_2 is the constant. The values of divide_2 generate or not the compilation errors. 


Why if for 8000Hz my value is "000000001101101" I have these errors?  

And why for this case if my value is "000000001111101" I don't have errors...? The compilation is ok and my outpout is ok. 


Please Help me...:confused: 

--- Quote End ---  





your post is also a little bit confusing. You posted that your compilation isn't successful, but later on you wrote that the compilation and your output is ok ? 


BTW: What is the width of your signal, 16 bit ? You compare values are 17 bit or 15 bit ??? 


11101010011000000 17 bit 

011000011010100 15 bit 





Kind regards 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Sorry for my confusing post.  


What I mean, all variables were created with the same bit number. I tested with 15, 16 and 17 bits, I have the same problem.  


For a gived value, I was a compilation problem. For another value (same bit number) i have a compilation problem.  


pletz ( => sorry I mixed two test programms for my example.  


To resume : for the 80Hz value the compilation is ok for "111" but not ok for "101". (It's an example, the true problem appears with a 16 bit signal std_logic_vector).
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


Your design is too big to your device. You reach the limits. 

it is not a logic problem (in that case :-) ) , the Qaurtus fitter said that it can not fit (place) your design.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

But what i don't undertsand is : why with some values we have some problems and with others I have no problem?  


With 16 bits (0 to 65 535) i can have some compilation problems with the value 35500 but not with 40000 (for an example) or 35501 or 20000... I search the reason of this problem. We have some problems with a type of number? I can't have '1' with the 10th bit etc...  


Thank you for your help ;)
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

But what i don't undertsand is : why with some values we have some problems and with others I have no problem?  


With 16 bits (0 to 65 535) i can have some compilation problems with the value 35500 but not with 40000 (for an example) or 35501 or 20000... I search the reason of this problem. We have some problems with a type of number? I can't have '1' with the 10th bit etc...  


Thank you for your help ;) 

--- Quote End ---  





is it possible for you to post your source code or could you attach your Quartus project ? 


Kind regards 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Best to post the whole project indeed - it may simply be that the device is full or so. You can't see that from the source code. 





0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

you may try to use down-counter : which counts from divide_2 downto 0. 

It is easier to compare a std_logic_vector with 0. The logical comparison is obvious and it needs just some OR gates.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

you may try to use down-counter : which counts from divide_2 downto 0. 

It is easier to compare a std_logic_vector with 0. The logical comparison is obvious and it needs just some OR gates. 

--- Quote End ---  



Not exactly so. What you gain on the swings you loose on the roundabouts. 

Let's say we have a counter and we have to count X, with X being dynamical. 

If we count up, we must clear the counter to zero and compare the count to X 

Clearing is (or can be) cheap, comparing uses a 2-tier of XORs and AND 

If we count down, we must load the value X into the counter, and compare the count with 0.  

Loading the counter needs an additional multiplexer at the counter's input, but has a simpler comparison with a single AND. It may be possible that we could make the count loading simpler, but I have to try that out (in my free time?).
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

all variables are std_logic or std_logic_vector 


My VHDL programm is (for an EPM3064ALC44-10) 



--- Quote Start ---  

architecture DESCRIPTION of test_impulsion is 

signal divide_2 : std_logic_vector (16 downto 0):= "00000000000000000"; 

signal control_2 : std_logic_vector (16 downto 0):= "00000000000000000"; 

signal choix_frequence : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); 

signal choix_sonde : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); 

signal sortie_sonde : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0); 





choix_frequence (0) <= entree_40; 

choix_frequence (1) <= entree_41; 

choix_frequence (2) <= entree_39; 

choix_frequence (3) <= entree_37; 


--:D!! The problem is here, when I change one value, for 80Hz for an example 

-- the value here is ""00010111011111000"", if I change one bit, maybe the 

-- compilation is ok or not. Why? The error message is in ma first post:D!! 


divide_2 <= "11100111100011000" when choix_frequence = "0001" -- 8Hz  

else "00010111011111000" when choix_frequence = "0010" -- 80Hz 

else "00000010010011100" when choix_frequence = "0100" -- 800Hz 

else "00000000001110110" when choix_frequence = "1000" -- 8000Hz 

else "00000000000000001"; 


process (clk_43) 


if (clk_43'event and clk_43 ='1') then 

if control_2 < divide_2 then 

control_2 <= control_2+"00000000000000001"; 

elsif control_2 = divide_2 then 

control_2 <= "00000000000000000"; 

elsif control_2 > divide_2 then 

control_2 <= "00000000000000000"; 

else control_2 <= control_2; 

end if; 

end if; 

end process; 


process (control_2) 


If (control_2 = 0 or control_2 = 1 or control_2 =2) then 

sortie_11 <='1'; 

else sortie_11 <='0'; 

end if; 

end process; 


sortie_28 <= entree_34; 

sortie_26 <= entree_33; 

sortie_24 <= entree_31; 

sortie_27 <= entree_29; 


choix_sonde(0)<= entree_29; 

choix_sonde(1) <= entree_31; 

choix_sonde(2) <= entree_33; 

choix_sonde(3) <= entree_34; 


sortie_sonde <= "10010" when choix_sonde = "1000" -- sonde SA70-2 

else "10110" when choix_sonde = "0100" -- sonde SBM-2D 

else "10111" when choix_sonde = "0010" -- sonde SBG 

else "11001" when choix_sonde = "0001" -- SG-2 

else "00000"; 


sortie_4 <= sortie_sonde(4); 

sortie_5 <= sortie_sonde(3); 

sortie_6 <= sortie_sonde(2); 

sortie_8 <= sortie_sonde(1); 

sortie_9 <= sortie_sonde(0); 



--- Quote End ---  

To describe the programm :  

- entree_XX => input of the MAX3064 

-output_XX => output of the MAX3064 

==> XX is the pin number. All input and output are std_logic.  

Hard clock : 1Mhz (quartz) 


Choix_frequence => this value define the frequency 

divide_2 => load the counter number 

control_2 => the counter. When control_2 = divide_2,control_2 begin a new counter since 0.  


The output is a 3us pulse, so 3 countings of control_2 (when control_2 is 1, 2, and 3 my output is '1', others values output is '0'). 


edit :  

total macrocells : 54/64(84%)
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I guess you use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; ? you and others might have a look at 

process (clk_43) begin if (clk_43'event and clk_43 ='1') then if control_2 < divide_2 then control_2 <= control_2+"00000000000000001"; elsif control_2 >= divide_2 then -- modified here control_2 <= "00000000000000000"; else control_2 <= control_2; end if; end if; end process; 


Your process(control_2) needs huge resources : 3 comparisons. Synthesis are still "stupid" and you have to "help" their work. 

I suggest you to employ something like 

sortie_11 <= '1' when control_2 <= 3 else '0'; 


better is using a process(clk) which avoids glitches of control_2. (It takes only one more D Flip Flop)
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thank you mmTsuchi. I apply your code and I don't see the difference. Always the same number of used macrocells than my code.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Thank you mmTsuchi. I apply your code and I don't see the difference. Always the same number of used macrocells than my code. 

--- Quote End ---  



If you look in the RTL viewer you see a difference as mmTsuchi mentions, but the fitter does an awfully good job. I once explored alternative ways in determining the leading bit set to one in a std_logic_vector. The two methods I tried produced totally different RTL views, one with a lot of small muxes and the other with only a few but larger muxes. But they produced identical results in the Technology Map Viewer.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

josyb => that you mean is quartus doesn't compile with the same way each time when it compiles. That's why sometimes the compilation is ok and after changing a value, the compilation is not ok?  

But it's strange, if the first compile is ok and after changing a value the compilation isn't ok, I return my first value and is ok. This work is verified more times.  

That's why I think the compile is made following the value as follows your explanation (josyb) and so the value defines the way of compile. Is correct?  

When i find my correct, I'll pray all gods for the compile uses a good way.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

That's why I think the compile is made following the value as follows your explanation (josyb) and so the value defines the way of compile. Is correct?  

--- Quote End ---  


I think yes because of optimisations. 

In Quartus messages windows, you can see (a part of) those optimisations. In the report too. 

I am not an expert, neither a Quartus software designer and I haven't try other compilers. 

You are focusing on the compiler algorithm, I would advice you to focus more on helping the compiler. Many design tips. 



@Josyb : thanks for your experience. 


Nota Bene : On my example above (process(clk_43)) : the last else statement is not needed.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

ok, thank you for your ligth about this subject !!!

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