Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
21320 Discussions

master_write_32 error

Honored Contributor II



I was trying to do "triple speed ethernet with sgmii interface hardware test by using system console reference design". from Altera wiki (I am unable to post the link here - But this is the first link that google gives on searching the title "triple speed ethernet with sgmii interface hardware test by using system console reference design") 


I am using Terasic DE4 board. I changed the pin details to suit DE4 board and configured the device. Successfully programmed device in USB JTAG mode. Then, I opened system console in SOPC builder and tried to execute the config.tcl script. 


I am getting the following error. 



error: java.lang.RuntimeException: This transaction did not complete in 60 seconds. System Console is giving up. 

while executing 

"master_write_32 $jtag_master 0x400 0x00000000" 

(file "tse_mac_config.tcl" line 98) 

(file line 98) 

invoked from within 

"source tse_mac_config.tcl" 

(file "config.tcl" line 112) 

(file line 112) 

invoked from within 

"source config.tcl" 


I am able to execute "open_service master $jtag_master" command properly. But the command master_write_32 $jtag_master 0x400 0x00000000 is failing.  


I am assuming my JTAG connection is working since open_service_master succeeded. What could go wrong with writes ? 

Also does the board need to have a JTAG Connector for using it in the way specified above? 


Any pointers please? 


Thanks in advance
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  



I was trying to do "triple speed ethernet with sgmii interface hardware test by using system console reference design". from Altera wiki (I am unable to post the link here - But this is the first link that google gives on searching the title "triple speed ethernet with sgmii interface hardware test by using system console reference design") 


I am using Terasic DE4 board. I changed the pin details to suit DE4 board and configured the device. Successfully programmed device in USB JTAG mode. Then, I opened system console in SOPC builder and tried to execute the config.tcl script. 


I am getting the following error. 



error: java.lang.RuntimeException: This transaction did not complete in 60 seconds. System Console is giving up. 

while executing 

"master_write_32 $jtag_master 0x400 0x00000000" 

(file "tse_mac_config.tcl" line 98) 

(file line 98) 

invoked from within 

"source tse_mac_config.tcl" 

(file "config.tcl" line 112) 

(file line 112) 

invoked from within 

"source config.tcl" 


I am able to execute "open_service master $jtag_master" command properly. But the command master_write_32 $jtag_master 0x400 0x00000000 is failing.  


I am assuming my JTAG connection is working since open_service_master succeeded. What could go wrong with writes ? 

Also does the board need to have a JTAG Connector for using it in the way specified above? 


Any pointers please? 


Thanks in advance 

--- Quote End ---  



I had the same problem using Stratix V GX FPGA Development Kit. The reference design project I used was AN647_TSE_Single_Port_SGMII_Dev_SVGX_ACDS-12.0sp2.qar. 


I opened an SR to Altera and their answer solved the problem. In my case, the signal CLK_IN had no pin assigned. This signal is the input to a PLL that feeds, among other things, the JTAG master in the Qsys system. 


The solution was to assign this signal to a pin connected to an onboard 125 MHz clock. After that, it was possible to communicate with the design via System Console. 


You're using a different dev kit, but the problem cause could be similar.
0 Kudos



I'm having this same issue. I assigned the clk pin to a 125 MHz onboard clock but the error did not go away. Are there any other suggestions?


I am using the Arria V GX board. 



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