Programmable Devices
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quartus_cpf generated jic file differs from GUI generated jic file (from sof).

Honored Contributor II

Tool: Quartus II 32-bit Version 12.1 Build 177 11/07/2012 SJ Full Version 


I've been successfully using the "Convert Programming File" GUI dialog to convert our sof files to jic, for use with an EPCQ256 device. I then saved the Conversion Setup to a cof file, intending to drive the conversion from the Linux command line. However, the command-line generated jic file differs from that generated with the GUI just moments before: 

[rrauscher-uut tmp]# ls -lrt armlite_target_AS4_*.jic 

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 33554659 Apr 11 12:37 armlite_target_AS4_GUI.jic 

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 33554659 Apr 11 12:39 armlite_target_AS4_manual.jic 

[rrauscher-uut tmp]# md5sum armlite_target_AS4_*.jic 

e380eed4cf2e486a4a2589c496cb7c37 armlite_target_AS4_GUI.jic 

c4e5a695286f475effea02012ebc242a armlite_target_AS4_manual.jic 

[rrauscher-uut tmp]# 


The command-line I used is: quartus_cpf --convert ./convert_gui.cof 


where convert_gui.cof is the saved Configuration Setup from the GUI. Its contents are here: 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII" standalone="yes"?> 






















Can anyone tell me why it would be different? The miscompares start a few hundred bytes into the generated jic files. 




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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

My experience is that at least some of the GUI's Advanced settings are not saved in the .cof file. Did you find something else that causes the GUI result to differ from command line?

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