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using a ram megafunction

Honored Contributor II

I am emulating a microprocessor on DE1 development kit. i heard that need to use ram megafunction to generate the ram only can simulate the microprocessor on DE1. so how can i create the ram using the memory.vhd which i've attached?

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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Quartus infers RAM from the code, you don't have to change anything.

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Honored Contributor II

While Quartus may infer a RAM from this code, it's not using best practices. 


First, you should be using ieee.numeric_std.all instead of std_logic_arith, and std_logic_unsigned. 


Second, your memory access process should have a sensitivity list and look something like this: 


access_memory : process( clock ) begin if( rising_edge(clock) ) then dout <= ram( to_integer( addr ) ) ; end if ; end process ; -- access_memory  


There are also some templates available inside of Quartus which may also be helpful.
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Honored Contributor II


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While Quartus may infer a RAM from this code, it's not using best practices. 

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It actually does


Basically, I tried to focus on the original question. Further suggestions may be helpful, of course. I think, however, you should also give some explanation for what you regard as best practise. 



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First, you should be using ieee.numeric_std.all instead of std_logic_arith, and std_logic_unsigned. 

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std_logic_unsigned may be regarded as bad practise. Personally, I dislike it too. But it simply introduces a Verilog-like behaviour in VHDL and may be appropriate for some simple applications. Regarding std_logic_arith, did you notice that all (or most) Altera VHDL IP is using it? 



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Second, your memory access process should have a sensitivity list and look something like this. 

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It's fully legal VHDL code anyway. In an edge sensitive process, a sensitivity doesn't change the behaviour, neither in synthesis nor simulation. (Personally, I would use process(clock) at least to improve readbility and reserve wait until for simulation timing.) 


As another comment: after 1 ns is valid in simulation only and ignored in synthesis. And the rw / memsave logic seems dubious to me, but may serve a purpose anyway.
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Honored Contributor II


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Basically, I tried to focus on the original question. Further suggestions may be helpful, of course. I think, however, you should also give some explanation for what you regard as best practise. 

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Agreed. Sorry about that. Thanks for clearing up my post. Just a few comments below. 



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std_logic_unsigned may be regarded as bad practise. Personally, I dislike it too. But it simply introduces a Verilog-like behaviour in VHDL and may be appropriate for some simple applications. Regarding std_logic_arith, did you notice that all (or most) Altera VHDL IP is using it? 

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I do see Altera's IP using it, and I cringe every time I see them used. 


On a side note, I don't like how all of their IP ports which are clearly fed with signed or unsigned data don't expose this datatype. 



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It's fully legal VHDL code anyway. In an edge sensitive process, a sensitivity doesn't change the behaviour, neither in synthesis nor simulation. (Personally, I would use process(clock) at least to improve readbility and reserve wait until for simulation timing.) 

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Agreed and understandable. VHDL is extremely versatile, but not necessarily always the easiest to read - so maintaining a clear intent is important when writing code.
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Honored Contributor II

Hi , 


I agree this code infers a ram + mif data but needs some tidy-up. 

The address bits 9 to 15 are not needed and are ignored by quartus. 

the signal ready seems unnecessary since ram is ready when enabled and one can expect when to rd/wr from that. 


Anyway if you prefer instaniation then use megawizard to generate a block of ram. 


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Honored Contributor II

thanks for the replies. really appreciate it

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