Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2151 Discussions

Intel RST not recognizing drives are back online


I have a RADI5 with 3x 2TB HDD.

during some experiments, 2 of the drives were put offline. Now that are back on, RST lists them, the serial number matches and all, no sata ports (or cables were changed), but RST still says the volume is on a failed status.

How can i tell RST that the drives it is looking for are in front of its eyes?

bellow is a screenshot of RST (latest version, running on W10, z270 mobo)

If I click on the first failed drive, i can see status missing, just below i see the serial ID, and then back on the right side I see that he drive with that serial is there.

Thanks for any help.


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3 Replies

PAragao: Thank you very much for contacting the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology communities and for providing the picture. We are sorry to hear the RAID 5 configuration is not working properly.



When you said "during some experiments", could you please explain what kind of experiments were done?



Additionally, in order to try to fix this problem, we just need to verify a few details about your system, please provide the RAID report:


https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000006351/technologies.html https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000006351/technologies.html



Any further questions, please let me know.





Alberto R


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The "experiments" was me trying to activate SRT. I have an nvme SSD, and wanted to use part of it for the Smart cache.

But every time I set the BIOS to M2/Genie (it is an MSI XPower Z270 motherboard) and/or did any remapping if the pcie, the system would not boot (by boot drive is the ssd).

After I switched back and reboot, the RAID was broken, with those 2 drives out of the RAID and no way to add them back.

In the end, it turns out that my SSD is not compatible with Intel RST (Toshiba RD-400).

I had to delete the raid and start over (which was not a big issue since I was in the process of copying from backup), but now I am worried, one of the major reasons I bought this setup was to use SRT and now I plan to but a different SSD but if this happens again, i risk losing my RAID again, and that would be critical.

System reported attached.

Thank you for your help,


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Hi PAragao: You are very welcome. Thank you for providing that information and the report. In regard to your inquiry, the Intel® Smart Response technology will only work when using a regular SSD, in this case the RAID volume cannot be accelerated when using an NVMe. Additionally, the Intel® RST version installed should work with the NVMe that you have, from version 14.8 onward is fully compatible with NVMe's.



Any questions, please let me know.





Alberto R
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