Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2070 Discussions

Intel RSTe Causes BSOD Error


I've had my computer for a while, configured in AHCI Mode, and just recently decided to try out RAID. I set up a 4x1 TB RAID 5 array using an integrated RAID Controller on my motherboard. The problem was that the regular Intel Rapid Storage Technology software that had worked for the year or so prior suddenly said that the platform was not supported when I went to install. A forum post elsewhere directed me to the Rapid Storage Technology Enterprise page. The enterprise edition did install successfully and all seemed well until I went to launch the software interface to manage my array. The software always runs fine in the system tray, but upon opening the application I am immediately hit with a Blue Screen of Death. The computer reboots, and all is well until I attempt to launch the RSTe interface again. The RAID array appears to be fully functional but I want to be able to access RST settings to enable auto rebuild among other things. Any idea what I've done wrong? Here's my hardware in case it helps:

ASUS Sabertooth x79 (Latest BIOS installed)

Intel i7 4820K

Intel SSD 530 (OS only)

1 TB HDD x4 (RAID 5, used for general storage)

2 TB HDD (For backups)

16 GB Ram

GeForce GTX 970 and 660 Ti (multiple monitors)

Windows 8.1 (Latest updates all installed)

All of my drivers are installed as well, directly from the ASUS page for my motherboard.

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6 Replies

The Intel® Rapid Storage Technology Enterprise is intended for server platforms so this may be the problem.

Since different versions have been installed I recommend you doing a fresh installation of the Operating System and then install the latest version of Intel® Rapid Storage Technology. Here you can download it:

https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=24293&lang=eng&ProdId=2101 https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=24293&lang=eng&ProdId=2101

Kevin M


The I had tried that before but the installer would inform me that "The platform is not supported". I looked into it, and my bios has an option where I can choose Intel RST or RSTe. I switched to RST mode, reinstalled and I still get BSoD errors. They were previously so fast that I did not have time to read the error code, but now they take several seconds on the blue screen. The error is listed as "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA (iaStorA.sys)". Other sites indicate that this is an issue with the page file, but since this is a clean installation there shouldn't be any issues, should there?

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Registry keys can get corrupted very easily with a failed software installation. I recommend you reinstalling the Operating System if possible. Try installing the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology from our side but you should also try the driver from the Computer Manufacture.

Kevin M

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I've done 4 more clean installs, twice using the RST installer from the ASUS website, and twice with the one directly from Intel, and each time I get the same issue. All is well until I go to open the application interface, then I get a BSoD with the same error code...

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I recommend you testing an old version of Intel® Rapid Storage Technology. Try this one:

https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=22676&lang=eng https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=22676&lang=eng

If you are still having problems with the software, I think you should contact the Computer Manufacture.

Kevin M.

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The older version also gives me a BSoD. The error code is different: "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" (iastorA.sys).

Also this is a custom build, so there is no manufacturer for me to contact... Thanks for your help though.

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