I appreciate any help. I've had this storage device going on three years now and it's worked
get so far. Recently, a bad storm came thru my area and zapped my cable modem,
wireless router and the LAN port in my SS4200-E. The modem and router were an
easy fix, but I'm unsure what I can do about the replacing the LAN port in my SS4200-E.
Has anyone dealt with this before? Is there another way to access the data from the
(4) hard drives I have installed in this unit.
thanks in advance.
Without a network connection to the SS4200, you're in a pretty tough place.
You could use a USB port to connect a drive and copy data from your data folders to a connected USB device. This will take some Linux savy. You'll need to connect to the device via the serial port using a terminal program (like HyperTerminal).
See the site for a good tutorial on SS4200 Console Access via RS232.
The SS4200 data folders on the SS4200 are located at /mnt/soho_storage/samba/shares. There you'll be able to transverse through all public or user folders. Remember you're logged in here as the superuser root and that's why you have access to user folders.
from there you can navigate to the folder you want to copy from and use the Linux copy (cp) command to copy files to the attached USB device. From the /mnt/soho_storage/samba/shares location you'll see the folder name that represents the mounted USB device. It'll be obvious. The one I've got connected on mine is named USB_Generic_Flash_Disk_part1.
If the above doesn't work, you could try on another Linux device. The RAID array should be able to be managed by mdadm. The partition table of the data is in an ext3 journaled file system on an lvm2 logical volume on an md raid array . For more details, see
Might I recommend to get a LAN cable surge protection device next time? We strongly recommend surge protection and UPS devices.
Good Luck,
One last option would be to get a replacement SS4200 and move your disk drives to it. That would be the easiest solution. Amazon has the SS4200-EHW available for purchase here:
The EHW version is just the SS4200-E without the operating system DOM installed. You could move the DOM from your broken one to the EHW and swap in your hard drives and you'd be good to go.
I've attached a DOM installation image if you want to go that route.
Just remember to reverse your DOM removal steps.
I've successfully connected the serial port using hyperterminal. I;m stuck at the
"storage login:" prompt. My "login" is "admin". My password has never changed
since my initial setup of this device, however it will not accept my password. I have
read that holding the reset button on the back of the device will reset the hostname
and admin password, but I tried this several times with no success. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.