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S1200V3RPL fan speed control


Hi everybody,

i have installed the board in a Chenbro 2U rackmount chassis. Firmware was updated with During the updates I answered the SDR related questions: yes I have SysFan 1 - 4, Yes I have a CPU fan, and chassis intrusion switch and NMI button. Remaining problem: while the integrated BMC web console shows the highest temperature at 35°C, fans are at 4500 rpm. Also, there is no change in fan speed when I open the chassis (trip chassis intrusion). Fans appear to be at 100% all the time. This is an old and often discussed problem. When the update utilities detect an "Other Chassis", they program fans for safe cooling.

The problem can probably been solved by adjusting sensor / fan settings e.g. in the S1200RP.SDR file. BUT: I have not been able to get reliable first hand info about these settings. All I found were pieces of info from the forums, mostly regarding the S5XXX series of mainboards.

I read but chapter 6.10 and appendix B aren't of much help. (BTW: the acoustic management part in BIOS offers only an "auto" setting, I cannot choose CLTT or OLTT.)

Is there a documentation of the SDR on S1200RP boards available? Maybe even a hands-on guide ("change this and achieve that")?

Thanks for your insight.


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3 Replies

You have done all the correct steps to slow down the fans. The only step I would change is that I would select "No" for chassis intrusion even when the system has it. Let me know how it goes this way.

It would also important to know if the unit is recording other errors that might be triggering this behavior. For this, I would download and install the most recent version of our Intel System Information Retrieval Utility

I checked on our records and I believe we don't have a guide to configure each field of the SDR portion for this board.

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OK, here is what I did: I booted into EFI, started updFRUSDR.nsh from USB stick and chose to only update SDR area. I answered yes to sysfan 1-4, cpu fan and NMI, I said NO to chassis intrusion. Power cycled the system. Unfortunately there is no markeable change.

this is taken from sysinfo_log.txt, maybe it gives you a clue:



0 VR Watchdog 11 32 STATE_DEASSERTED 0 PCH Therm Trip 13 32 STATE_DEASSERTED 0 BMC FW Health 16 32 UNKNOWN 0 BB EDGE Temp 32 32 Degrees Celsius 24.000000 0 PCH Temp 34 32 Degrees Celsius 34.000000 0 BB BMC Temp 35 32 Degrees Celsius 33.000000 0 BB CPU VR Temp 36 32 Degrees Celsius 37.000000 0 System Fan 1 48 32 RPM 4410.000000 0 System Fan 2 49 32 RPM 4410.000000 0 System Fan 3 50 32 RPM 4508.000000 0 Pwr Unit Status 1 32 ALL_DEASSERTED 0 System Fan 4 51 32 RPM 4410.000000 0 Processor Fan 54 32 RPM 1078.000000

(end of system event log)

156 11/05/2014-10:00:46 Processor, P1 Status (# 0x70) Informational event: P1 Status reports the processor's presence has been detected. Integrated BMC - LUN# 0 (Channel# 0) 157 11/05/2014-10:00:53 System Event, BIOS Evt Sensor (# 0x83) Informational event: BIOS Evt Sensor reports Timestamp Clock Sync. Event is first of two expected events from BIOS on every power on. BIOS POST - LUN# 0 (Channel# 0) 158 11/05/2014-10:00:53 System Event, BIOS Evt Sensor (# 0x83) Informational event: BIOS Evt Sensor reports Timestamp Clock Sync. Event is second of two expected events from BIOS on every power on. BIOS POST - LUN# 0 (Channel# 0) 159 11/05/2014-10:00:58 Power Unit, Pwr Unit Status (# 0x1) CRITICAL event: Pwr Unit Status reports the power unit has suffered a failure. Integrated BMC - LUN# 0 (Channel# 0) 160 11/05/2014-10:00:59 Power Unit, Pwr Unit Status (# 0x1) Informational event: Pwr Unit Status reports the power unit is powered off or being powered down. Integrated BMC - LUN# 0 (Channel# 0) 161 11/05/2014-10:01:51 System Event, BIOS Evt Sensor (# 0x83) Informational event: BIOS Evt Sensor reports Timestamp Clock Sync. Event is first of two expected events from BIOS on every power on. BIOS POST - LUN# 0 (Channel# 0) 162 11/05/2014-10:01:51 System Event, BIOS Evt Sensor (# 0x83) Informational event: BIOS Evt Sensor reports Timestamp Clock Sync. Event is second of two expected events from BIOS on every power on. BIOS POST - LUN# 0 (Channel# 0) 163 11/05/2014-10:01:51 Power Unit, Pwr Unit Status (# 0x1) Informational event: Pwr Unit Status reports the power unit's AC or power input is lost. Integrated BMC - LUN# 0 (Channel# 0) 164 11/05/2014-10:01:51 Processor, P1 Status (# 0x70) Informational event: P1 Status reports the processor's presence has been detected. Integrated BMC - LUN# 0 (Channel# 0) 165 11/05/2014-10:01:52 Power Unit, Pwr Unit Status (# 0x1) Informational event: Pwr Unit Status reports the power unit's AC or power input has been regained. Integrated BMC - LUN# 0 (Channel# 0) 166 11/05/2014-10:02:28 System Event, BIOS Evt Sensor (# 0x83) Informational event: BIOS Evt Sensor reports a system boot event has occurred. BIOS POST - LUN# 0 (Channel# 0) 167 11/05/2014-10:02:28 System Event, System Event (# 0x8) Informat...
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I am sorry about the misunderstanding. What I wanted to say is that we do not have such file posted on our website that I can simply provide on a link.

The closest document we have is the one that provides a better understanding of what the FRUSDR update is but it does not include a guide for each of the individual fields.

In this particular case, I would recommend contacting Intel Customer Support for proper follow up of your request and prompt resolution of this issue.

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