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S5000XVN BMC will not update after failure



Used the latest BIOS package [ 8/23/09] and the BMC65 failed. Now the board shows the BMC has a version of 0 that is ZERO and nothing will allow me to update the BMC even the force BMC update jumper is not working always with ERROR 17. Needless to say now the systems fans are running at full speed and the power button does not work. How can I recover this? I have tried bootable USB error above and the deployment CD errors with can't communicate with BMC. Is there anyway to fix this? THANKS!!

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3 Replies


Check from the Technical Doc explains to you how to switch the jumper to the secondary bios.

I will advise you to update the bios, bmc and sdr firmware to the latest one using a USB Dos Bootable Pen Drive.

How to make a Bootable USB:

Download firmware from Website:

Please read the read me how to update the bios and bmc.

Do a cmos clear

switch the jumper to the lower bank bios, and then boot the system.


Press F2 to go into the bios.


Go to Boot Manager.


Boot onto the bootable USB stick.


Flash the bios by running BIOS98.BAT batch file.

At a DOS prompt update to BMC Firmware by running BMC65.BAT batch file

At a DOS prompt, Update the FRUSDR data by running the FSL48.BAT batch file.


At a DOS prompt, update the system BIOS by running BIOS98.BAT batch file.

Once this is completed, flash the bios only again one more time reason being that there is two bios banks.


Power off the system when finished.


Put back the jumper.

Power on the system.


Press F2 to go into the bios.


Go to Boot Manager.


Boot onto the bootable USB stick.


Update the firmware of the board by running:

At a DOS prompt update to BMC Firmware by running BMC65.BAT batch file

At a DOS prompt, Update the FRUSDR data by running the FSL48.BAT batch file.


At a DOS prompt, update the system BIOS by running BIOS98.BAT batch file.

Restart the system and check if the firmware have been flashed correctly.


Go into Server Management >> System Information


Other than this, next steps will be to verify the sel log using the System Event Log Viewer and verify the release notes of the firmware if there is anything mentionned.

Hope these are useful, Let us know how it goes.

Note: if it does not work again, try another bootable media like cd.





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Aryan2411, I had the same problem as @CODE I followed your instructions to the letter, but I had the same problem upon reboot. To check if the problem was resolved I used the One Flash utility with the -i parameter. It still said Failed to communicate with BMC. I downloaded 3rd party ipmiutil to check the FRUSDR and it read everything correctly, even the BMC version 0.66

I still couldn't access the BMC module, but the front LED was solid green, before it was blinking amber and green, that was my initial reason to flash the FRUSDRs and BMC.

After I gave up out of frustration, I decided to swap RAM from Channel 0 (4 modules all on channel 0) to channel 0 and 1 after removing the AC plug. I booted the server, ran IASC and it was reading the BMC! I am not sure if it is because I powered the AC off or if the RAM swap might've updated the BMC data to identify that the RAM has switched banks and maybe "unblocked" the BMC.

So I would suggest following Aryan2411's tutorial but after flashing both banks removing the AC power cord until the power dissipates, plugging AC back in, wait for the LED to change from flashing green amber to solid green, then trying to launch the IASC after booting up the system again. If that doesn't work unplug the AC cord again, swap RAM, plug AC back in, boot, check IASC.

I can't think, logically, how the RAM swapping could've fixed the problem, so I believe it was the AC power being lost and returned. Either way I am just happy that IASC can communicate with the BMC again! I was beginning to lose all hope!

Thanks Aryan2411

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Did you try BMC force update jumper (J1E3)? Power off the system, move the jumper to pins 2-3, and then power up the system and perform BMC update. After successful completion of the BMC update process, the FW update utility ay generate an error stating the BMC is still in update mode. Power off the system and move the jumper back to pins 1-2.

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