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Hello, I'm newbie at this community.
My boss plan to buy a new server system which has as many as cores, but not expensive.
So I searched web and found Intel Server Board S4600LH2 (sold as a Server System, SKU order code R2304LH2HKC).
I couldn't find whether RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 supports S4600LH2 or not.
(If rhea 7 supports S4600LH2, we will install CentOS.)
Anyone can tell me that Rhel 7 supports S4600LH2 or not?
Otherwise where can I find which Linux kernel support Intel server board?
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That system supports RHEL 6.2. see http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/server/sb/CS-034316.htm http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/server/sb/CS-034316.htm
to find OS compatibility information for any board or system, start at http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/server Support for Server Products and click your product, then Compatibility, and you should see something like "Operating System Compatibility"
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Thank you,
I read your link in reply and Intel's 'Technical Product Specification' of S4600LH2 and there are words like "RHEL 6.2 and later"(page 50, 3.4.2 Intel Rapid Storage Technology).
I'm not sure that RHEL 6.5 and RHEL 7 support S4600LH2 board.
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