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82945G Express not working w/Viewsonic monitor; can't get 1680x1050 resolution


This is similar, but just slightly different to another post

computer: HP Pavillion m7760n

Vista Home Premium (32-bit version)

Monitor: Viewsonic 2235

MonInfo: Notice this says Windows 2000 - this is not correct!

first set is "Viewsonic Monitor on 82945G Express Chipset Family"

Hardware information........ n/a
Windows description......... ViewSonic VX2235wm

Display adapter
Adapter description......... Intel 82945G Express Chipset Family
Adapter device ID........... 0x27728086
Display settings............ 1600x1200, 32bpp

User/computer information
Registered user name........ Connie Downing
Registered organization..... Hewlett-Packard Company
Network user name........... Connie Downing
Network computer name....... CONNIE-PC
Windows version ............ Windows 2000
Windows build .............. 6.00.6000
Installation date .......... 5/27/2007 12:00:00 PM

This is on :"Viewsonic Monitor on Auxiliary Port"

Windows description......... ViewSonic Monitor
Manufacturer description.... VX2235wm
Manufacturer................ ViewSonic
Plug and Play ID............ VSC591E
Serial number............... QA5064907202
EDID data source............ I2C bus (real-time)
Manufacture date............ 2006, ISO week 49
EDID revision............... 1.3
Display type and signal..... Analog 0.700,0.300 (1.0V p-p)
Sync input support.......... Separate, Composite, Sync on green
Screen size................. 470 x 300 mm (~23")
Power management............ Active off/sleep

Color characteristics
Display gamma............... 2.20
Red chromaticity............ Rx 0.640 - Ry 0.333
Green chromaticity.......... Gx 0.285 - Gy 0.602
Blue chromaticity........... Bx 0.152 - By 0.074
White point (default)....... Wx 0.313 - Wy 0.329

Timing characteristics
VESA GTF support............ Not supported
Horizontal scan range....... 30-82kHz
Vertical scan range......... 50-75Hz
Video bandwidth............. 150MHz
Extension blocks............ n/a
Timing recommendation #1.... 1680x1050 at 60Hz
Modeline................ "1680x1050" 146.250 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync

Standard timings supported
640 x 480 at 60Hz - IBM VGA
640 x 480 at 67Hz - Mac II
640 x 480 at 72Hz - VESA
640 x 480 at 75Hz - VESA
720 x 400 at 70Hz - IBM VGA
800 x 600 at 56Hz - VESA
800 x 600 at 60Hz - VESA
800 x 600 at 72Hz - VESA
800 x 600 at 75Hz - VESA
832 x 624 at 75Hz - Mac II
1024 x 768 at 60Hz - VESA
1024 x 768 at 70Hz - VESA
1024 x 768 at 75Hz - VESA
1152 x 864 at 75Hz - VESA
1152 x 8 70 at 75Hz - Mac II
1280 x 960 at 60Hz - VESA
1280 x 1024 at 60Hz - VESA
1280 x 1024 at 75Hz - VESA
1400 x 1050 at 60Hz - VESA
1440 x 1440 at 60Hz - VESA
1600 x 1200 at 60Hz - VESA
1680 x 1050 at 60Hz - ViewSonic
1680 x 1680 at 60Hz - VESA

Raw EDID base
00: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 5A 63 1E 59 01 01 01 01
10: 31 10 01 03 0E 2F 1E 78 2E D0 05 A3 55 49 9A 27
20: 13 50 54 BF EF 80 B3 00 A9 40 95 00 90 40 81 80
30: 81 40 71 4F 01 01 21 39 90 30 62 1A 27 40 68 B0
40: 36 00 DA 28 11 00 00 1C 00 00 00 FF 00 51 41 35
50: 30 36 34 39 30 37 32 30 32 0A 00 00 00 FD 00 32
60: 4B 1E 52 0F 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC
70: 00 56 58 32 32 33 35 77 6D 0A 20 20 20 20 00 88

Display adapter
Adapter description......... Auxiliary port
Adapter device ID........... 0x27728086
Display settings............ n/a

User/computer information
Registered user name........ Connie Downing
Registered organization..... Hewlett-Packard Company
Network user name........... Connie Downing
Network computer name....... CONNIE-PC
Windows version ............ Windows 2000
Windows build .............. 6.00.6000
Installation date .......... 5/27/2007 12:00:00 PM

Usually I can't get the native 1680x1050 resolution - just not offered....except SOMETIMES....the monitor sort of flickers, then when I go to display settings, EUREKA!! there it is!! But after restart, reverts to 1600x900; have to run in 1600x1200, which is 'best available'. When running, information on display notes it is Viewsonic monitor; otherwise doesn't note monitor, just display mode

When I go to "Information" on "Display Properties" this is what shows up when in the typical mode - no 1680x1050

* Accelerator Information *

Accelerator in Use: Intel 82945G Express Chipset Family
Video BIOS: 1217
Current Graphics Mode: 1600 by 1200 True Color (60 Hz)

When running correctly: I get the following:

Accelerator in Use: Intel 82945G Express Chipset Family
Video BIOS: 1217
Current Graphics Mode: 1680 by 1050 True Color (60 Hz)

* Devices Connected to the Graphics Accelerator *

Active Monitors: 1

* Monitor *

Monitor Name: ViewSonic VX2235wm
Display Type: Analog
Gamma Value: 2.20
DDC2 Protocol: Supported
Maximum Image Size: Horizontal: 18.0 inches
Vertical: 11.0 inches

The big difference seems to be.....sometimes it says "active monitor" and other times (most of the time) it does not seem to recognize that a monitor is present.

Problem was out of the box, HP support, Viewsonic support no help. Computer did have other problems diagnosed by BB Geek Squad - motherboard replaced last week by HP, but display problem not solved. Monitor works FINE with 2 older Dell computers - one with old Nvidia graphics, one with older Intel 82845G graphics.

Have downloaded updated monitor drivers, graphics drivers...all up to date; can't install VISTA signed monitor from Viewsonic...get error message saying "monitor not found"

Geek Squad says "can't be fixed"; HP keeps saying "we will research this and get back to you" Viewsonic says: 'sounds like a bad graphics card". Computer, monitor still under warranty....

HELP!!!! Any suggestions, thoughts? I am a little old lady, but still fairly computer literate....what do I insist that the Geeks check? Or did I just buy a bad combination? Computer can find the 1680x1050 res. for a Gateway monitor just fine....just can't talk to my Viewsonic.


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6 Replies

Sounds like a timing problem with your monitor. The graphics driversends it a message: "Tell me about yourself", and waits a bit for a response. I would bet that sometimes your monitor responds-- and the driver allows you 1680x1050-- while other times it takes too long and the driver gets tired of waiting. Use this Wiki

with this DTD

21 39 90 30 62 1A 27 40 68 B036 00 DA 28 11 00 00 1C

That's what your monitor is telling us it wants the driver to send. The Wiki instructions will allow you tohardcode the resolution into your registry so it should always show up regardless of whether or not your monitor is too slow on giving up the EDID or not.

If you have problems with the Wiki instructions or any other problems come back here and we'll walk you through it.

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Archibael - you are quite correct...sometimes the monitor responds, and I think WOW, it's ok now....but as I said, it never lasts. The non-native 1600x1200 is kind of ok, but this is a work computer and after a while text and other applications strain the eyes with the distortion. Even my hubby asked why my concentric circles (using a mapping program) were ellipses!

I have just printed the Wiki instructions and will (carefully) go through everything. Will either come back with a cry of HELP!! or buckets of THANKS. (Now why doesn't the Geek Squad know this stuff?)

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(Now why doesn't the Geek Squad know this stuff?)

Even though on this board it's a common condition, it's comparatively rare in the big scheme of things because 1680x1050 is a relatively new resolution and it doesn't happen to everyone. You'll see common threads on this forum (Viewsonic monitors, Toshiba laptops, etc.) because it affects certain hardware more than others.

Intel will probably get around to fixing it eventually, but people don't feel like waiting around for this to happen-- rightfully so!

0 Kudos

OK - I got one step further along...I downloaded the latest (but maybe not greatest) Intel drivers today....Windows update finally offered. Problem is (I guess) I installed them.

But anyway....I found the inf files, and actually then found the DTD reference, and tried to change the DTD code. BUT....then I couldn't save the Notepad file. Windows just wouldn't allow it.

SO...still no joy, but at least I think I am on the right track. I may roll back the driver, then see if Windows will let me edit the inf files on the newer driver.

Any more help greatly appreciated!

0 Kudos

Just avoid 15.4.3. Any other recent driver shoud be fine, 15.4 included. Not sure about your "can't save" weirdness, though... are you extracting to a folder, or trying to edit it while it's still part of the .zip file? Perhaps it's designated "read only", but if you have sufficient privileges to install it I'd think you have enough privileges to right click on the file, choose Properties, and change the permissions away from "Read Only".

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Kudos to Archibael! With his help I am getting the correct monitor resolution! Nice experience here, and I shall visit often to (hopefully) learn a few things.

Thanks again, Archibael!

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