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Application does not support this device


Hey everyone ...!

i'm new in android development and i'm having a problem which i haven't found any solution for a month.

--i'm using "Delphi XE6" which includes the Dev tools for Android .

..I've created some apps and debugging them with the "ARM" and they worked just fine, i found out that the emulator is abnormally too slow 

so i downloaded the intel HAXM to give it some speed and it worked ,it became fast and smooth ...till now no problem.

****but when i tried to debug build my apps using the x86 emulator, the app starts up with a black screen 

     written in the center of it "Application does not support this device"!!!!!

  i dont know what's the problem !! and it took me a lot of time without finding any solution please help me

Thanks in advance!




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4 Replies


I have never seen such an error message on Android. It looks like it's a documented issue related to your development solution. Can you try out the workaround provided in their Release Notes?

If this doesn't help please attach the logcat output for this error to your answer. 


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hey ..Thanks for the reply

i tried this release and didn't work plus i tried a combination in removing those Libs (x86,Armeabi and Armeabi-v7a) from the deployment tool of delphi  but nothing changed but when i remove or "Uncheck" just the x86 Lib I got the message "Unfortunately <my app> has stopped"!!!!!

here it is the logcat "when eveything is checked" in the deployment tool and these are just the errors not the all the debug:

06-27 16:47:47.928: E/SoundPool(1258): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
06-27 16:47:47.928: E/SoundPool(1258): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
06-27 16:47:47.928: E/SoundPool(1258): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
06-27 16:47:47.928: E/SoundPool(1258): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
06-27 16:47:47.928: E/SoundPool(1258): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
06-27 16:47:47.928: E/SoundPool(1258): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg
06-27 16:47:47.928: E/SoundPool(1258): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg
06-27 16:47:47.928: E/SoundPool(1258): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg
06-27 16:47:47.928: E/SoundPool(1258): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg
06-27 16:47:47.928: E/SoundPool(1258): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg
06-27 16:47:47.948: E/gralloc_goldfish(921): gralloc_alloc: Mismatched usage flags: 400 x 640, usage 333
06-27 16:47:47.948: E/(921): GraphicBufferAlloc::createGraphicBuffer(w=400, h=640) failed (Invalid argument), handle=0x0
06-27 16:47:47.948: E/BufferQueue(1258): [ScreenshotClient] dequeueBuffer: SurfaceComposer::createGraphicBuffer failed
06-27 16:47:48.018: E/cutils(916): Failed to mkdirat(/storage/sdcard/Android): Read-only file system
06-27 16:47:48.018: E/cutils(916): Failed to mkdirat(/storage/sdcard/Android): Read-only file system




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Don't know if still applicable, but here's a solution I found (had the same problem with LG-phone);


Workaround for Android 4.0/Kindle Fire Message: "Application does not support this device"

When you try to run an Android app on a device running Android 4.0.x (including some Amazon Kindle Fire devices), you might see this message:

 Application does not support this device

To workaround this issue:

  1. In the IDE, open the Deployment Manager (Project > Deployment), and locate the following entry:
    Local Name:
    Remote Path: library\lib\armeabi\
  2. Uncheck the entry to prevent deployment of this file.
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I had the same issue using Delphi XE 6:

Delphi's Android compiler only supports ARMv7 CPUs at this time, not other 
CPUs like ARMv6, Intel x86, Intel Atom, Tegra, etc.  To run a Delphi app 
inside an Android emulator, especially an emulator that uses the Host's x86 
CPU, the emulator needs to have an ARM emulation layer that translates ARM 
instructions to host CPU instructions under the hood.  Some Android emulators 
have that layer, sometimes as a separate addon, but many do not.
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