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Assets on the Build page just hangs there when clicking to next step


I've searched high and low to find a way to be able to get the build going. I I'm close to just leave it be and just deal with the intel logo and splash screen, but I want this to be perfect. 

I tried .png and .jpg on all of them and I still get a hang and a dialogue of please wait for a split second. I have re installed and tried the older version yet the older version of xdk won't open my projects.

What are your thought's on this?

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5 Replies

It sounds like you are using the legacy builds. Can you post a screenshot of the page having issues?

If you are using the Legacy builds, I highly encourage you to switch to the Cordova builds. They are much better supported and offer a ton more features than the old Legacy builds.

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Hey John,

Thanks for the advice. I upgraded to the Cordova build options and uploaded a new file to the xdk building server and for some reason I'm getting an error on the Windows Phone Dev center whilst updating the .appxupload file and I'm getting this error. "1046: We're only certifying apps that target Windows Phone OS 6.3.1 at this time. Submit your app again when you hear from us that we're ready to support this version."

So not quite sure if I have to change the cordova version in the projects build settings. Tested with the oldest supported cordova on xdk and the newest cordova which is 4.2.1 I believe. 

I found this old advice from the deprecated forum as well.

The following is the screenshot for the error message:

WP8 error.JPG

0 Kudos

Hey John,

Thanks for the advice. I upgraded to the Cordova build options and uploaded a new file to the xdk building server and for some reason I'm getting an error on the Windows Phone Dev center whilst updating the .appxupload file and I'm getting this error. "1046: We're only certifying apps that target Windows Phone OS 6.3.1 at this time. Submit your app again when you hear from us that we're ready to support this version."

So not quite sure if I have to change the cordova version in the projects build settings. Tested with the oldest supported cordova on xdk and the newest cordova which is 4.2.1 I believe. 

I found this old advice from the deprecated forum as well.

The following is the screenshot for the error message:

WP8 error.JPG

0 Kudos

Hello John,

I read the fine print again and figured out that Cordova CLI only does windows OS not the phone. I think this confused me a lot. Now the next question is when are they gonna make a Cordova Hybrid configuration for Windows Phone 8/8.1? In the mean time I'll keep it released as a beta version for the wp8. As for the legacy version. It works and I can submit it but the default images are what's not original. Is there a chance that the Legacy build will be updated or fixed so that I can add my custom splash and icons? Sorry I'm still learning. I probably will try and edit the intelxdk.config.additions.xml and add my splash and icons then try the legacy hybrid build service.


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Hello all, I figured out the issue with the Legacy Build. I was able to build my app from using .png for splashes and icons. I tried on a Mac OS but the bug still existed for both .jpg and .png. As for windows use .png for icons and splashes. 

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