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Blank Hybrid Application with App Framework not working



I was following the tutorial for page navigation.

So I created a blank hybrid application, and selected app framework.

I add a button and a blank page.

Then I select the page in interactivity for the button.

In the tutorial video is says there is a transition box that shows up, I get no such box.

Also, when I test the application in the emulator, clicking the button does nothing.

I've tried it about 4 times starting a new project...


HOWEVER... if I use a template project then it works fine.

I am to assume that the black project is broken?

I can't see any errors in the javascript console on testing...activate_page is being called on the button click, but does nothing.


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1 Reply

I replaced with af.ui.loadContent and it is working

The documentation is all over the place. what is .afui?

I can't figure out why sometimes $ works as a query selector, and other times it doesn't? Then I use af as the query selector and it seems to work?

The documentation says that app framework doesn't have a selector and to use jquery or fastclick. But I haven't referenced jquery or fastclick and it still seems to work sometimes?

I dunno... I'm finding this quite a saga to get started!

It seems so polished at first glance until you get into it....



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