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Broken Splash Screen - splash screen plugin adds lines for non-existent images for iOS during build process


I have two versions of the same app, 1.0 and 1.1. I am testing with an iPhone 5 and an iPad 2. I am using version 3.2.2 of the official Splashscreen plugin and only using preferences to control the hiding delay. This issue has only happened recently, in the past 3-4 weeks, before that everything worked fine. I was not on the latest version of Intel XDK at the time this behavior started happening, but I updated to 3400 to see if that would help fix it, so this issue doesn't seem version dependent.

There are 7 designated Portrait splash screen sizes for iOS, all of which are filled out properly using copies of the same images.

On version 1.0 of my app, the following 7 splash lines are generated in my ios xml:

<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen_750x1334.png" width="750" height="1334" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen_1242x2208.png" width="1242" height="2208" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen_640x1136.png" width="640" height="1136" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen_640x960.png" width="640" height="960" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen_320x480.png" width="320" height="480" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreens_768x1024.png" width="768" height="1024" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreens_1536x2048.png" width="1536" height="2048" orientation="portrait"/>

These lines EXACTLY match what is on the XDK interface for splash screens, and everything works perfectly.


However, on version 1.1 of my app, the following splash lines are generated in my ios xml:

<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen-1536x2008.png" width="1536" height="2008" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen-768x1004.png" width="768" height="1004" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen_750x1334.png" width="750" height="1334" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen_1242x2208.png" width="1242" height="2208" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen_640x1136.png" width="640" height="1136" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen_640x960.png" width="640" height="960" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreen_320x480.png" width="320" height="480" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreens_1536x2048.png" width="1536" height="2048" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="images/splashscreens_768x1024.png" width="768" height="1024" orientation="portrait"/>

Notice there are now 9 lines, and the first two additional lines are NOT sizes represented in the XDK interface, nor are they actual files in my project, and as such, those two lines break showing the splash screen on just the iPad (the iPhone is fine). It is the default splash screen that is shown instead.

My attempts so far to fix this issue:

  • Resetting the splash images through the interface
  • Building without the similar sized splash screens (1536x2048, 768x1024) selected at all
  • Including images of the sizes of the bad lines in the images directory with the other splash screens
  • Deleting the build files off the server in case anything was cached
  • Editing the ios config XML directly
  • Editing the .xdk file to remove these references
  • Changing the plugin version
  • Changing the splash screen plugin readme file
  • Removing the plugin through XDK and reinstalling
  • Removing the plugin through file directory and reinstalling

I have tried all of these in individually, in various combinations and in various orders -- and every time these lines are added, breaking my splash screen.

I am at a loss for what else to try.





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2 Replies

MM -- I've not seen this before and I cannot reproduce it. When I fill in all the slots in the UI I get only seven <splash> tags in my intelxdk.config.ios.xml file. I'm sending you a private message so you can reply with a link to a ZIP of the your ENTIRE project directory. I'd like to see if there's something else going on in the project that's causing this.

0 Kudos

Unfortunately I can't send the entire project directory without an NDA, but I did figure out at least how to solve the issue for anyone that encounters this in the future:

  1. Remove all references in the xml/xdk files to the non-existent images
  2. Copy all files to a new project
  3. Rename .xdk file to match the new project name
  4. Delete files off of the build server
  5. Build - Copy of project should work fine
  6. Go back to the original project and build again

Now those lines are gone. I changed nothing at all in my code or the XDK interface whatsoever. My only thought is It seems like some kind of caching issue that helped get cleared by creating a new project.

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