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Cannot read Knights Landing Power readings using ipmitool


Hello again,

I'm attempting to read the Knights Landing power sensors using the ipmitool, as described in the text: lntel Xeon Phi Processor High Performance Programming: Knights Landing Edition by Jim Jeffers, James Reinders, and Avinash Sodani (pg. 421). 

Using the command: 'ipmitool sdr', I can list the available sensors (as follows), but only Temperature and Voltage readings are available on my system (in the book, many more sensors are available). How can I enable the other sensors? 

Thank you,

[glawson@rulfo rapl]$ sudo ipmitool sdr
CPU Temp         | 25 degrees C      | ok
PCH Temp         | 37 degrees C      | ok
System Temp      | 30 degrees C      | ok
Peripheral Temp  | 29 degrees C      | ok
VcpuVRM1 Temp    | 33 degrees C      | ok
VcpuVRM2 Temp    | 36 degrees C      | ok
VcpuVRM3 Temp    | 32 degrees C      | ok
VmemABCVRM Temp  | 31 degrees C      | ok
VmemDEFVRM Temp  | 30 degrees C      | ok
DIMMA1 Temp      | 27 degrees C      | ok
DIMMB1 Temp      | 26 degrees C      | ok
DIMMC1 Temp      | 27 degrees C      | ok
DIMMD1 Temp      | 29 degrees C      | ok
DIMME1 Temp      | 29 degrees C      | ok
DIMMF1 Temp      | 28 degrees C      | ok
FAN1             | 1100 RPM          | ok
FAN2             | 1000 RPM          | ok
FAN3             | 2600 RPM          | ok
FAN4             | 1500 RPM          | ok
FAN5             | 900 RPM           | ok
FANA             | 900 RPM           | ok
FANB             | 900 RPM           | ok
12V              | 11.87 Volts       | ok
5VCC             | 4.92 Volts        | ok
3.3VCC           | 3.30 Volts        | ok
VBAT             | 3.00 Volts        | ok
Vcpu-core        | 0.77 Volts        | ok
VCCU             | 1.01 Volts        | ok
VCCCLR           | 0.81 Volts        | ok
VDIMMABC         | 1.19 Volts        | ok
VDIMMDEF         | 1.19 Volts        | ok
3.3VSB           | 3.23 Volts        | ok
VCCMLB           | 0.98 Volts        | ok
VCCPIO           | 0.97 Volts        | ok
1.5V PCH         | 1.49 Volts        | ok
VCCMP0123        | 1.19 Volts        | ok
1.05V PCH        | 1.03 Volts        | ok
VCCMP4567        | 1.17 Volts        | ok
Chassis Intru    | 0x00              | ok

And a full list of available sensor types is listed below:

[glawson@rulfo rapl]$ sudo ipmitool sdr type
Sensor Types:
	Temperature               (0x01)   Voltage                   (0x02)
	Current                   (0x03)   Fan                       (0x04)
	Physical Security         (0x05)   Platform Security         (0x06)
	Processor                 (0x07)   Power Supply              (0x08)
	Power Unit                (0x09)   Cooling Device            (0x0a)
	Other                     (0x0b)   Memory                    (0x0c)
	Drive Slot / Bay          (0x0d)   POST Memory Resize        (0x0e)
	System Firmwares          (0x0f)   Event Logging Disabled    (0x10)
	Watchdog1                 (0x11)   System Event              (0x12)
	Critical Interrupt        (0x13)   Button                    (0x14)
	Module / Board            (0x15)   Microcontroller           (0x16)
	Add-in Card               (0x17)   Chassis                   (0x18)
	Chip Set                  (0x19)   Other FRU                 (0x1a)
	Cable / Interconnect      (0x1b)   Terminator                (0x1c)
	System Boot Initiated     (0x1d)   Boot Error                (0x1e)
	OS Boot                   (0x1f)   OS Critical Stop          (0x20)
	Slot / Connector          (0x21)   System ACPI Power State   (0x22)
	Watchdog2                 (0x23)   Platform Alert            (0x24)
	Entity Presence           (0x25)   Monitor ASIC              (0x26)
	LAN                       (0x27)   Management Subsys Health  (0x28)
	Battery                   (0x29)   Session Audit             (0x2a)
	Version Change            (0x2b)   FRU State                 (0x2c)


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