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Converting Unity 'Action' scripts for other development environments

Honored Contributor III

An interesting thought occurred to me.  The other week I posted to the forum a guide for converting C# code examples like those found in the SDK manual to be usable in Unity by adding a header and footer section to the script.

Since the pre-made 'Action' scripts in the Unity Toolkit are essentially C# scripts with headers and footers that make them work in Unity, it made me wonder if they could be made to work in other RealSense-compatible platforms such as Visual Studio and Processing if their header and footer were cut off to make them more like traditional C# scripts.

.I don't know how these other platforms visually represent the contents of variables, so they might not generate an easy to use menu-driven system from the code like Unity does in its Inspector panel.  At the very least though, one could perhaps change the settings in the script using code to provide a similar level of ability to custom-configure a program's camera controls to that which Unity provides.  It would probably help people to develop their contest entry a lot faster than if they tried to write scripts from scratch themselves.

Would be fun to see if someone who uses Visual Studio, Processing, etc could get that to work!

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