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Create a Depth Stream from F200 of resolution 1920*1080



Can anybody help me to fix the issue that whenever i want to get Depth Stream from an Intel F200 Camera, It gives resolution of 640*480 and Color Stream comes in 1920*1080 which is troubling me when i map the Depth Stream into Color stream, many values of Depth Stream becomes 0's.

I want Depth Stream to be in 1920*1080 Resolution, Can anybody suggest me series of steps to get the Depth Stream in resolution?


Anjani J.

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3 Replies
Valued Contributor II

OK, first of all, even if those two resolutions were exactly the same, those are two different cameras, located in different places. So, you will need to project one into the other to have matching images. I recommend you to read the introduction of the SDK.

Also, even when mapped you will get plenty of "holes" in the depth map, because of how 3D sensing technology works in general. You will not get a full depth image, and your application will just need to deal with that fact.

Now, to project depth into the color camera, just do this:

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Thank you for your reply,

I have understood it that they both are situated at different places and we have to map it to get Depth image mapped to Color image, But after mapping , most of the values of Depth are not proper or i should say some ill-value which cant be recognized, Also, when i do create a 3D world view of by using this method :

QueryVertices on the DepthMappedToColor Image, it gives zero most of the time for the value of z where there should not be zero and some bad values.

That is why i just wanted to have the same resolution for Depth Stream as well that may work and not giving the bad values like this.


Anjani J.


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Valued Contributor II

If much of your image has zero depth, perhaps you are out of range of the depth camera? We display the image produced by CreateColorImageMappedToDepth to give the user some feedback of what does and doesn't have depth data while they are taking the photo, so they can be sure the important parts of the image are in range when they capture the shot.

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