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CreateObject() Programatically

Hi Everybody,

My name is Yeasin Habib. I am doing my Masters Project in Philips Research Laboratories, The Netherlands. I am almost at the end of my work.

In one part of my work I have to invoke UPnP CreateObject() method progamatically. Like I can always create an obejct using Intel Device Spy by giving the ContainerID and the DIDL-Description. When I know whe ContainderID and DIDL-Lite description then if I want to do this same task programatically then what is the way?

My all other moduels in the whole system were developed in Java. So I am using Intel UPnP Java Stack.

If anybody can send me the sample code to CreateObject to a specific container then it will be really helpful for me.

I am looking forward to hearing from all of you.

Best regards

Yeasin Habib
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