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DLL problem when running on Windows 95

I have been developing Fortran + OpenGL applications under CVF 6.1 and F90GL on my Windows 2000 machine.
In general, I have had no problems in running the exe's under Windows 95, NT, etc. However, I now have one application
which will run on other Windows 2000 and NT machines, but that I can't get to run under Windows 95 or 98.

The error is : The I3G.EXE file is linked to missing export : KERNEL32:TryEnterCritcialSection

I copied kernel32.dll (and various DF*.dll's) to the machine but that didn't help. My other CVF/F90GL applications run fine on this machine. The only significant difference between this application
and the others is that this one uses multi-threaded libraries
implemented using the FTHREAD() routines posted to the CVF newletter a few months back.

Any Ideas or suggestions?

Ken Weems
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1 Reply
That's a Win32 API routine that doesn't exist on Windows 95, 98 or Me. Find the code that calls this routine and rewrite it, or just accept that this application runs on NT/2000/XP only. Do not copy kernel32.dll files from system to system - that is likely to get you a system crash!

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