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Does the 2016 R1 SDK (and apps built on this) work on a x86 (32 bit) system?

New Contributor I

I've been operating under the assumption/idea that the Realsense SDK only supported 64 bit development currently. 

I've come to a difficult situation where I want to use the Minnowboard Turbot (aka MAX v2.0) on Windows 10, but I need to move over to the Windows 10 IoT core so I can access the GPIO and I2C buses. To do this, I need to use the 32 bit BIOS and OS for the minnowboard. 

Will my R200 work with 32 bit architecture and 32 bit Windows 10 IoT? 

Will the SDK programs compile in 32 bit? I've only been using x64 along with x64 versions of OpenCV and Point Cloud Library (PCL) binaries.

I will have to move everything over to 32 bit in order to get the low level GPIO access from the Windows IoT interfaces but if it is too much hassle I will have to work out how to use the ridiculous Windows 10 GPIO interface which has zero useful documentation and zero examples.

(side rant, not quite relevant to Realsense directly) Because the GPIO controller on my Minnowboard in Windows 10 Home (desktop) driver is visible, and it is an INTEL driver, it would be nice if Intel had some published documentation on how a user-level C++ program could interface with the GPIO driver layer. If any Intel people could help me in the right direction with this, then I won't need to change my OS or any of my workflow/compilation settings for my application which is 90% complete already. 

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3 Replies
Valued Contributor II

I've used previous versions of the RealSense SDK on a x86 architecture. I assume the latest one still behaves similarly.

You need to recompile it though. Just open the provided project files with Visual Studio, select x86, etc, and then rebuild the library. Then you can just use it.

Regarding GPIO access, no idea how Windows deals with it, I always use some flavour of Linux for that type of development. You can use librealsense in Linux as well by the way. Maybe that would be an easier solution for you.

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Valued Contributor II

Make sure you reference the x86 RealSense DLLs in C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\RSSDK\bin\win32 too!

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Yes, you can target 32 bit and 64 bit applications. If you're doing C# development, you can use the utility I wrote here: to set a Visual Studio solution up to support both 32 bit and 64 bit versions from the same codebase.

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