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Driver for GMA X3000 (HW T&L)

When Intel will be released drivers for GMA X3000 (HW T&L and vertex shader 2.0 or 3.0)?
in February?

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316 Replies
I have recently tested spiderman 3 in windows xp with the 14.33 driver.the game is running damn slow,it is unplayable.Is there any solution?does it run fine on windows vista?What abt the 14..33.1 driver?Is there any improvement?
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If anyone have tried tested games like NFS PRO street then please let me know.
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New Contributor II
Let me crosspost something. 15.8 is already released, but anyway:

Expected Release Date:

15.8.x driver-Very Soon, IF they do not skip for 15.9 driver
15.9 driver-Late April to Early May

15.9 driver features
-AVC, VC1, MPEG2 hardware acceleration support
-Something called Non-linear Anamorphic Scaling support(I don't know if GM965 support this) and better image quality
-New power saving technology*(again, I don't know if this is GM45 exclusive or it'll come for GM965/GL960)
*Enhanced DPST 4.0, Seamless Display Refresh Rate Switching Technology and Smart 2D Display Technology 2.0
-Looking like a DX10 driver, at least its a minimum driver requirement for G45 and GM45 IGPs.

G35/GM965's DX10 support in hardware seems to be sort of an half-arsed approach, and though it doesn't seem as primitive as GMA 950 did in regards to DX9, it really is a bare-minimum approach to DX10 compatibility. True DX10 support will only come with G45/GM45.

(It looks like GM965 has Display Refresh Rate Switching Technology in hardware, but not enabled yet by drivers. Might be able to get a slightly better battery life with 15.9 if nothing else)

Source (a nice thread anyway):
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15.8 driver is released but 15.8.x is not. Whether it'll be 15.8.1 or 15.8.2 or 15.8.3 I don't know. But its not released. And the driver versions with the third number is what I consider a bug-fix driver. For XP there is 14.33.1.

G965/GM965/G35 only has support for MPEG btw. The other features like VC1 and AVC is for next gen.

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Hello all,

The Driver 15.8 is somewhat OK, but it cleared the error of graphic corruption in the game crysis but the game Gears of war had heavy graphic corruption (unable to view anything) although with driver versions 15.7 and 14.32.3 the game gears of war was playable and also Crysis had the graphic corruption problem....
is this a some childs play???

I bought INTEL DG965RY after reading the technical review (which showed unique capabilities) from INTEL with loyalty and lots of hope ...

( I know these games are Graphic intensive but at least they should be playable at least when compared to ATI or NVIDIA MCP73UM (Geforce7150) series which are weak hardware but strong when used in 3D applications compared with G965,G35 and may be upcoming G45)

There is no steady graphic driver release from INTEL, i think they are ignoring Graphical part....
In my behalf i would like to say INTEL should at least try to make latest 3D games playable at 1024x768 resolution with low - Medium mixed graphic settings....
and few applications like ADOBE acrobat reader etc which needs graphic card with high refresh rates should be given preference for new driver release...

Also INTEL could have release ADVANCE BIOS for advance users to have few overclocking abilities for all motherboards at least from 965 series to 4 series and basic bios for business purpose as stock BIOS without Overclocking features...

Also INTEL is trying to compete with other manufacturers with G45 could it defeat ATI 780G and NVIDIA MCP7A series in future...without proper driver???

ATI 780G has 3Dmark06 score about 1550 with clock speed overclocked IGP max to 950Mhz will INTEL G45 will touch it at least with its stock speed...??

time will show....

For now i lost hopes on INTEL IGP 'DG-IGP' or 'G - IGP' models also 'DP-Discreet' 'P-Discreet' desktop boards and chipset boards which have less processor support although the motherboads have the compatibility and ability but are costly to buy compared to other Intel based chipset manufacturers..

If it continues the peoples may shift from INTEL CHIPSET or Desktop boards to other IGP motherboard manufacturers....and it might cause INTEL to"LEAP BACKWARDS" and might loose all its reputation in IGP sector and might loose leadership in manufacturing IGP motherboards to others..

This was all my anger on INTEL motherboards with IGP guys i feel light now....
bye bye...

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New Contributor II
Actually v15.9 beta is available here:

However I do not advise installing it (scroll up, read the postet Anandtech link and look at the game screenshots).

The fastest driver to date seems to be v15.4.4 final Actually the last one offering pure software T&L:

It seems having a hardare T&L engine only gives you compatibility for games/demos that require hardware T&L. But the hardware in x3100 is so inferior, you can't play those anyway. Therfore going software by means of the CPU is way faster (see link above). I don't know about image quality though, but I don't expect a difference here.
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G965/GM965/G35 only has support for MPEG btw. The other features like VC1 and AVC is for next gen.

Mostly correct. GM965 and G35 do have partial acceleraton for VC1 (Motion Compensation and In-loop deblocking ONLY), while G965 doesn't (can do some lesser profiles of WMV9 accel, but not High Profile VC1).

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To 7oby: The 15.9 beta drivers are officially not out yet. Not only Anandtech did not test the 15.9 beta driver, they wouldn't test it anyway because its not official. The screenshot on their website is the 15.8 driver, you can check it out on their website.

From the German forum, there is indeed an improvement to the 15.9 beta drivers. Games Far Cry, HL2, and CS: Source gained significant performance increases.

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Intel, World of Warcraft is some of the most popular game out there right now. Both 14.33 and 14.33.1 driver seems to cause a crash on my system. I have rolled back to 14.32.3 drivers because of that. There are also graphical glitches in Crysis, 3DMark(with hardware T&L) and UT3 demo(very very bad, unplayable) that wasn't present in previous drivers.
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Add Guild Wars to the list of games that crash with both 14.33 and 14.33.1 - shortly after entering the world, it totally freezes up for a few minutes, then bluescreens. This happens consistently. I've only tried it with a stock install - I haven't tried forcing software or hardware shader modes.

Is WoW bluescreening? If so, I imagine both games are tickling the same bug.

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I forgot. But I know the whole system becomes unreponsive enough that I cannot do anything. Actually I don't think I saw any bluescreen. It just freezes. Nothing works except reset/power button. And this is in XP.

Maybe they have some code like /Detect MMORPG=crash


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I forgot. But I know the whole system becomes unreponsive enough that I cannot do anything.

I have similar problem with both Warcraft III and World of Warcraft in WinXP Pro using driver releases 14.33 and 14.33.1. System freezes and after about 30 seconds of unresponsiveness BSOD appears.
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Hey guys,

i bought intel 965wh just bcoz i read intel was going to upgrade it's drivers to support latest games.

I used to check daily for the new update but no luck...

Now no more waitin guys i decided to get a new graphic card for my system..N i got it

it's thriling to play new games with full graphics support. I was a casual gamer but now i am immersed into it.

So my suggestion for u guys is if u r in desktop get a card..

Intel's internal graphics sucks!!
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We all know the driver development sucks for the X3100 - and I am never going to buy an Intel IGP again, which means, I'll have to change completely to an AMD-based notebook, but anyway:

Everyone who buys a board with IGP for GAMING is a complete nutcase.
(except, of course, the new nvidia/AMD hybrid platforms where you can switch the graphics card on/off)

Even if the newest games would run, they would run anything but acceptable, so where is the point complaining about not supported games...
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If you buy an IGP system as a primary gaming machine (for recent games), then yes, I think you would have to be a complete nutcase.

OTOH, I have a primary gaming machine (E6300/9600GT/1680x1050) andbought my notebook (T7100/X3100/1280x800) primarily for non-gaming purposes, but with the ability to do some gaming when not at home (e.g. when I have to travel overseas).

Games like Guild Wars and World of Warcraft are at the top end of its capabilities, but I can play GW at native resolution without dropping below 20FPS. That'sdefinitely playablefor GW (even if I prefer higher frame rates). Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is likewise playable (occasionally drops below 20FPS in the Santa Monica hub, but otherwise is fine). Jade Empire is consistently 30FPS or higher. No other game I play pushes the graphics at all - things like Fallout 1/2, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, The Temple of Elemental Evil, Summoner, Oni...

The 14.32.3 drivers work very well for me. I'd like to use the 14.33.x drivers, but it's obvious from the last few posts thatthere's a bug that some games are tickling (so far, GW, WoW and Warcraft III are known to have the symptom - think it's time to report it).

Edit: I've submitted a support request (ticket LTK41904239252X), and pointed them to this thread (starting with David's post about WoW). If you find any other games with this freeze/BSOD issue, please post them to this thread.

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Hi just to let you know i tested GW in OSX 10.5.2 via Crossover games and i got 45FPS which is a dam site better then Vista hope that the newer drivers perform just as good as OSX in GW!
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The new driver for Vista is out. 15.9 is DX10 capable. From random user tests it seems to improve performance in certain games(specifically HL2, CS:S, Far Cry).

Does anyone know if 14.34 driver for XP will be out??? Archibael??

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14.34 was released to OEMs last week. I have not yet seen it appear on the Intel external website. Don't know the details on what new stuff it supports. Suspect it is mostly G45-enabling.
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Is 15.9 Vista driver really DX10?? According to here:, the 2nd part of driver version tells DX versions. 15.9 driver version naming is, which indicates its still a DX9 driver. What's up with that?
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As for the listing on the site, that is just a typo. When installing the driver it does come up as I have noticed that not all programs recognize the DX 10 capabilities though. And that its RAM level is listed at 358mb not 384mb as in previous releases and it seems as if it has 128mb of onbboard RAM also? I switched back to Vista from XP for this DX 10 driver, now lets see if Intel lives upto their promises...

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