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Feature request: Screenshots from Simulator



Would it be possible in a future release to have a screenshot button on the simulator, that takes full res screenshots (not scaled). This would be great for submitting screenshots to the app store. Or even better, a macro that runs through the required (customizable list?) resolutions and saves them to a specified directory.

Thank you,


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3 Replies

Nick -- thanks for the feedback. That is a feature we have considered in the past, but it has never made it into the product. We do provide the ability to set the simulator's background to any color you want, making it easier to set a screen shot with the simulated frame on top of a transparent background (e.g., pick an odd color, like lime green, that is not being used in your app and set the simulator window background to that color, then mark that color in a screenshot of that window as transparent).

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Hello Paul,

Thank you for the response. I never considered including the frame in the screenshot. The custom chroma key is definitely a good idea!

Off topic but, after a little more playing around, I noticed that none of the simulated screen resolutions are correct. If I set the scaling to 100%, and then measure the actual content, they are about between 18% and 50% that of the device's actual resolution, depending on device.

Back on topic, devices are coming out with larger screens and a lot of people do not have the money to buy every device just to get a screenshot. Specifically, the iPhone 6s+ has a resolution of 1242x2208. I do not know about you, but I do not have a 4K monitor needed to get a screenshot that big. Luckily I have a 6s+ to test with and can get screenshots from it, but I do not have an iPad Pro, with a resolution of 2732 x 2048 (which, according to Apple, is not a targeted platform in the XDK builds).

Thank you,


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Exciting new from Apple,


Dear Nick,

Now it’s easier than ever to deliver your screenshots and app preview using iTunes Connect. Just submit one set of screenshots and one optional app preview for the largest device size within a device family, and they will be used across all localizations and display sizes.

If your app’s UI or behavior changes based on device size, or if you would like to include localized screenshots, you can use the new Media Manager to add custom screenshots. Learn more.

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, go to Resources and Help.

Best regards,
The App Store Team

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