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Get multiple input-text to send an e-mail


Hey guys ! 

I'm trying to do it:

I have a feedback form with  5 textfields ,so i need get them and send an e-mail with all data.


<script type="text/javascript">
   function notEmpty(){
       var myTextField = document.getElementById('TxtName', 'TextEmail','TxtCountry','TxtBirthday','TxtFeedback');
       if(myTextField.value != "")
           intel.xdk.device.sendEmail (myTextField.value, '', 'Feedback', true, null, null)
           alert("Would you please enter some text?")        


What i'm doing wrong ?

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3 Replies

Try using this plugin:

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I am new to android ... and also in Intel XDK environment.

Gentlemen supporters, kindly guide me on the questions below:

1-I want to develop an app for android, which from a text box (text area or imput button) the user to inform your contact or a fact or even a complaint, this is sent to a specific e-mail, you see? as a kind of FEEDBACK. It could even be sent also to a specific whatsapp, but do not know what would be the most interesting, quick and efficient resolution of technical view point.

2-I have researched a lot about cord-plugins-email-compose, that is, within the Intel XDK environment; I did several tests and examples collected from the internet, but do not work. On the other hand, outshines in my view the issue of e-mail, domain on android, do not know how this. For I see several apps, same with many such resources, forms, sending data, etc. But I'm having a hard time understanding these things.

3-In a web environment this is all understandable to me. Many years ago, I got to do a few simple things in PHP and Mysql ... as the situation I described above ... made a page in HTML, logging suggestions and invoking a script on the server side PHP that I sent these records to a specific email. I stayed this page in cloud, remember that the (localweb) and localweb server had the resources to support PHP, Mysql. To host this page on the server, I had to create a domain in registro.BR and the service to send form data to an e-mail functioned normally. So I wanted to take this same solution ... the same idea ... ie the web server environment for smartphones environment, android. You see? Finally, develop a simple app that the user could file a claim (form - text area, or INPUT button) and this was sent to a specific e-mail or even a whatsapp. A solution type Push notification.


1) I have almost given up the cord-plugins-email-compose, however, you can guide me more about this plugin and how to set up properly?
2-Where sets my account email in-cord plug-email-compose?
3) Can I send data from a form (text area) to integrate Intel XDK with PHP? (Ie, because in PHP, I know how to nviar and e-mail)
3) To host app, which server would indicate me?
4) Are there any free or paid server to send the APK and test, ie I could download and test the App on my phone?
5) To host my APP APK or on free or paid server, I would have to necessarily create have a domain? email account?
6) Can demontrar me or send me an APP / APK to record a message, or text, or subject (text area or INPUT button) and internally APP feature to send this message to an e-mail?
7) I enjoyed the Intel XDK environment, but I would indicate another similar tool, given the complexity of dealing with e-mail?

Thanks for the clarification.
Thank you.
Jorge F.

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Jorge -- please only post your questions to one thread, posting the same question to multiple threads wastes valuable support time and only ends up frustrating those who are trying help you, it will not result in better support.

Regarding your questions, above:

The PHP scenario you describe does not apply here. You have only client-side HTML5 to work with, your app is not associated directly with a server, that is, you are not running on a server, thus the techniques you describe in your post won't work in this environment. You can use a server, but you have to setup that server so that it exposes a RESTful API that you than call from your app, using AJAX, for example.

Search the web for "how to build a PhoneGap app" or "how to design a Cordova app" to find more useful information. The XDK is simply creating a "Cordova app" -- it is simply a tool that makes it easier to debug and build those apps. It does not add any special to the Cordova formula, at least as far as how you construct your app. The main difference is that you do not have to install all the Cordova tools and the supporting tools, but the way you structure your app is the same, because you are building a Cordova app, we host the CLI and supporting tools in the cloud, so you don't have to do all of that.

See this article for some useful background > < and this might help > <

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