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Help with custom resloution to achieve native res.

I have a Toshiba REGZA 32CV510U connected to my laptop with vga on Intel 945GM. I have been trying to change my resolution to it's native 1360x768 but I've been having problems. The resolutions that I can use are 800x600 and 1024x768. I've been told that PowerStrip does not support Intel drivers and even the latest beta won't work for me. Just now I changed all the TotalDTDCount's in my registry to 1 and all the DTD_1's to the following:

From this modline on MythTV wiki for standard HTDV's(it matches the description in my manual):
"1360x768" 85.50 1360 1424 1536 1792 768 771 778 795 -HSync -VSync

I got this DTD(from DTD Calculator):
66 21 50 B0 51 00 1B 30 40 70 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 37 01

I only found 3 places to make my changes, and by the time I got the the third one it was already done for me for some reason. However, this seemed to have no effect whatsoever, an after a restart the registry entries remain the way I left them.
I'm going to try again subtracting 8 from the width to see if my BIOS is rejecting it, but I am otherwise stumped.
Please help.
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4 Replies

You're doing everything right. Let us know if it works.
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I've tried
66 21 48 B8 51 00 1B 30 48 70 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 37 01
as well with no result.

There is one other thing I am confused about. If I clone my display to either svideo tv-out or the attached laptop display I get a few more display options for my vga out as well. However, when I try to use them I still get 1024x768 with the edges cut off. I can get around to the whole screen -if I move my mouse to the edge the screen will pan around. I don't think this is my tv doing this, it must be my computer. At the very least, could I force it to display one of these modes properly which would be a little closer to the native resolution?

I am very confused with this whole situation. If I should be posting more information about what is going on please tell me so.
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Okay, I had the same effect on my 945G and it puzzled me until I tried this: make sure the external monitor is the only monitor active (Intel Graphics Tray -- Single Display, choose the monitor). When I did that, the resolutions showed up on the display, and I was able to do extended desktop into both monitors at their own resolution. You can't do this in Clone mode, as Cloning has to be done at the same resolution on both monitors.

I was being constrained by the lowest commonmode between the laptop screen and the external monitor, and I think you might be, too.
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OK I'll double check I turn off cloned just to make sure. I can confirm that this is a problem with my video card, I just tried this TV with two other computers with little to no problems.

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