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I can streaming data to the virtual camera?


I need to stream data to realseanse virtual driver

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

I haven't used the virtual camera driver and so my suggestion here will possibly be completely wrong.  I will take a guess at it though!

As I understand it, the purpose of the virtual camera driver is to allow another application that needs the camera to access it and show a video feed whilst a RealSense app is running.  Without the driver, the camera-needing program would not be able to access the camera whilst the RealSense app was running because RealSense would be exclusively accessing the camera.

Sooo *puts thinking cap on* I am thinking that maybe instead of wanting to stream data to the virtual camera, what you should be trying to do is take the video feed from the virtual camera and integrate it into your RealSense app.

The easiest way to do this in the Unity engine would likely be to use the WebcamTexture feature, which can stream a live video feed from a specific camera device into the Unity program and display it on the surface of an object.

If you want to do it in another language such as Java or C++, I do not know about that and maybe somebody else on this forum can help with that.  

Best of luck!



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I need a live striming from unity in skype
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Honored Contributor III

You may be able to do this without having to build anything.  Skype has a 'Sharing' feature where you can share with other people in a call whatever is running on the desktop of your computer at the time.  So you could run Unity, start a Skype call and then click the share button and switch to Unity and start using it.  And the people in your Skype call should be able to see what you are doing in live real-time.


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