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Intel Device Builder UPnP SDK

I've just started using the Intel UPnP SDK (Build: 1.0.1868.18043), and i'm having some problems getting a simple device working. I already have the UPnP Design By Example book for reference but its examples are in Linux.

I'm having trouble getting my device stack to generate a unique UDN per instance (hopefully by MAC address and time). In the sample programs provided I noted that they used the rand() function. However I'd rather have a way to associate the UDN to the device.

I'm also puzzled about how one is supposed to modify the stack's XML file when its compressed into the .upnpsg file.

My final question is how to get the embedded webserver working. I've tried having a web directory with my html pages. But I'm unable/unsure how to set the presentation page.

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2 Replies
For the first question can you use the MAC addressand a time stampinstead of rand to generate a UDN.I will see if I can generate a small example that shows this in the near future.
Second, have you used device builder and the service author go help see how to generate .upnpsg files. These executables are not the most intuitive and require a little playing with to get familiar with how they work but it will help you understand the upnpsg files better.
Third, did you see how the AV server was built in the example? You may customize where the server gets the data from in the example. It is fairly easy to see if the device is actually working with the device sniffer, that is also provided with the SDK.
I will see what I can do to get a simple example out. Hopes this gets you started in the right direction.
-- R
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Thank you for your response. I've looked through the sample programs packaged with the intel SDK. None of them have the presentation page enabled. Looking through the code generated by the Device Builder (with the presentation page option on) I see that the device responds to the request for a presentation page with an empty html response. However I do not see how one can dynamically host html pages. Could you please direct me to the exact AV server example with the presentation page?

On another note, I have been trying to get the code generated by Device Builder (pocket PC 2002) to compile under Visual Studio 2005 for winCE 5.0
After converting it, Visual Studio 2005 doesnt compile returning this error: "UPnPSample : error PRJ0004 : Could not generate command line for the 'VCCLCompilerTool' tool."
Am I missing a tool? (I've tried searching for the VCCLCompilerTool but havent found anything as of yet)
Any ideas on how to get the device to compile for winCE 5.0?
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